Hello, I am Sam Black. I am always look for friends. Feel free to owl me or post on my wall. I am married by my moon(Dylan) 11/5/18 <3 <3
- Joined November 2018
- Member of Gryffindor
- 22 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
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-Welcome to my Backstory-
I am Samantha Jessica Henry (Black), but you can call me Sam.

what does the poem mother to son mean
Appearance: I have light brown hair with highlights and fair skin with a few freckles here and there. I am sightly on the tall side for girls, also skinny.
Status/ Sexaulity: Married to Dylan(My moon)/ Straight

what does the poem mother to son mean
Birthdate/Age: Oct, 10th/ 17 years old
Personality: I’m a very outgoing girl that has a bad past that makes her shy and quiet. It is because of her mother leaving her and anyone else. Once you get to know her she is a very loving/caring girl that will go out of her way to make you feel loved/protected.
Backstory: Sam had a troubling life back in the muggle life. She lost her mother due to her not wanting anything to do with a wizard husband or witch daughters. Her sister, Lia, has been by her side ever since she was born. Lia is her younger sister by a year and half. Her father was Sirius Black, as you all know he died. So Sam took on the care of her younger sister till they both got into Hogwarts.
When they got to Hogwart, Sam went to Gryffindor as her little sister did too. They lived on their father legend. As Sam is a shapeshifter and witch. She loved her class in Hogwarts and has made many friend and even a boyfriend. Her sister and her still are really close and always go to disney anytime they can. Her fiance is her favorite person there other than her sister.
Father: Sirius Black(Died)
Mother: Unknown
Sister: Lia Abbott
Fiance: Dylan
Likes- Fuzzy socks, dark colors, her kitty, rain/storms, traveling/exploring, making friends/meeting new people,Halloween/Christmas,Disney, anything nerdy, running/swimming, baking, singing, fall/winter, Astrology, magic, her friends/family, and her moon
Dislikes- Anything pink or really girly, sweating, messes, summer/spring, small spaces, bad smells, being alone, her mother
Photos of Sam:

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

Photos of her family and friends:
Lia and her

what does the poem mother to son mean
Pansy, Ariana, Shae and her

what does the poem mother to son mean
To my love of my life, Dylan

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean
Dear Dylan,
You’re my husband. I can’t believe this, that I got to marry you. You’re the love of my life, my moon, my light, my rock, my person. I can’t go a day without thinking of our future, all the love and support that will be in it. We deserve it, baby. I love you
My aesthetic

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean

what does the poem mother to son mean