Bibliophile - someone who collects, or has a great love of books
- Joined January 2017
- Member of Gryffindor
- 19 House Points
- 1st Year

Age: 16
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Lesbean
Relationship status: Single, but not looking for online
Rules for rp:
- Please make starters and replies at least 2-3 sentences
- Be creative; be adventurous :)
- I'm fine with most genres, ask me first about romantic/
- post on my wall if you're starting
- sorry if I don't reply straight away, I am entering an exam
block so I will be busy studying -_-
{ fc: Hedy Lamarr }

Meet the characters:

Age: 19
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: demiromantic
Relationship status: single
✐ About: Ryan is very arsty and enjoys company,
even though he's not very outgoing himself.
He's what people would call 'observant' and he
enjoys the little things in life ✐
Rules for rp:
- please make replies/starters at least 2-3 sentences
- no romantic unless you've developed a connection with
me first, and no sexual (this coincides with my sexuality);
- all other genres are fine :)
{ fc: Aaron Taylor-Johnson }


Age: 18
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship status: single
☁ About: Lylah's a bit of a party girl and loves
life! She is a strong believer that everone
is beautiful in their own right. She loves to
experiment with fashion ☁
Rules for rp:
- please make replies/starters at least 2-3 sentences
- all genres are welcomed in rps with me :D
- surprise me! Leave me wanting more...
- remember to have fun with it!
{ fc: Hunter Schafer }


Age: 21
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship status: single
♛ About: Leo seems innocent until you
get to know him; he likes to bend the
rules and is one of those people you can
count on to watch the stars with in an
empty IHOP parking lot at 3am ♛
Rules for rp:
- please make replies/starters at least 2-3 sentences
- I enjoy all genres, but mostly romantic ;)
- ask if you are unsure about what to write, and I'll
happily give you ideas
{ fc: Lucky Blue Smith }


Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her/they/them
Sexuality: Pan
Relationship status: single
❆ About: Mysterious and beautiful, you
never know what you'll get with
Dominique. They claim others call them a
sex symbol, and you'll believe it too ❆
Rules for rp:
- please make replies/starters at least 2-3 sentences
- I specifically like horror/mystery, sexual or romantic rps
- don't be afraid of what I'll think, just ask if you wanna try
something new in an rp
{ fc: Barbie Ferreira }


Age: 22
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: girlsss <3
Relationship status: single pringle
☮ About: Blake is very passionate about most
things; they are a big believer in fighting for
political and social rights. They are also one of
the goofiest people you'll know ☮
Rules for rp:
- please make replies/starters at least 2-3 sentences
- the wackier the rp is, the better!
- I like most genres, just ask me if you are unsure :)
{ fc: Amandla Stenburg }

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