Adeline Bennett


What's the point of sleeping if it's not next to you

  • Joined January 2018
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 118 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


  ⌁ Basics⌁ adeline rose bennett sixteen has the audacity to like men bristol, england caucasian ⌁ Appearance ⌁ eye color ; brown hair color ; brown 5'6 ectomorph ; lean and long ⌁ Magical ⌁ hufflepuff laurelwood 13½ inches dragon heartstring core patronus ; seahorse boggart ; not being alone in the dark year ; 3 muggleborn pukwudgie ⌁ Rp rules ⌁ third-person proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation no *s cursing and foul language is not allowed at least three sentences ⌁ Friends ⌁ Ella Lucienne ( Ravenclaw ) Annabeth Herondale Granger ( Slytherclaw ) Mara Calypso Anwansi ( Hufflepuff ) Ellie Snow ( Gryffindor ) Vivienne Rose ( Ravenclaw )

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