Annabeth Chase/shalee m


  • Joined October 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 123 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Annabeth character-based on Rick Riordan's creation and slightly off my real personality
Shalee is a half-angel aka part of the Nephilim(source base on multiple books, not just Mortal Instruments). Shalee is a loner and tends to be on the defensive. Shalee also has autism. Shalee's red wing flutters crazily either when she's nervous or she has a crush on someone. both characters are from the united states of America. Athena Jackson is a backup account. Hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core, 10 ¼" and hard flexibility for both of their wands. Piebald stallion is both of their patronesses. Both characters are straight.

For some of my typical RP starters, I'll indicate which charter there for please no romance there can be fighting no swearing

1) Shalee opened her wings on the top of the astronomy tower. she was about to jump off when she heard a noise. that noise startles her and she fell she quickly regained her balance using her wings that person that scared her was and they were...

2) Annabeth was fighting a dummy in an abandoned classroom when she notices a shadowy figure sneaking up on her. she whipped around and pointed her dagger as they fell back frightened and said...

3) either of my character sitting at the far end of the Slytherin table and jumps when someone scares them that person is and says...

4)shalee sitting in a hidden corner in the rafters drops the book someone looks up sees her and calls up to her and says...

5)Annabeth fighting a greek monster someone comes up and assists her fight. The fight finishes when the monster dissipates in gold dust. Annabeth thanks the person the person then asks Annabeth something about the monster or why the monster was attacking her..
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