If you wanna buy something without the price tag, you gotta work without looking at the clock.
- Joined October 2023
- Member of Gryffindor
- 485 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
Hello/Hola/Bonjour/Ciao/Ni Hao!
I'm here to make friends, and I can't wait to meet new people. If you feel like chatting, I'm free for an owl! I live in the Gryffindor Girls dorm (i created it). . Feel free to join. I'm a half blood, my mum is witch and my dad is a muggle.
Patronus- Black Mare (im so happy cuz i abso love horses)
Wand-Cedar wood with a unicorn core 10 ¾" and slightly springy flexibility
Dislikes- Please don't be a bully other people on the site, and I don't like being isolated or ignored.
Likes- I love all the sports I do in the muggle world- Horse riding, swimming, ballet, gymanstics, contampary and Drama (if you count that as a sport) Thank you to all the people who follow me, and if you do follow me, I'll follow you back!
Birthday-23rd of August
Hybrid house- Slytherdor!
First Year:
ASTR-101: 100% (O) not completed
CHRM-101: 83% (E) finished course, not the best score but I'm still proud!
DADA-101: not started
FLY-101: 81% (E) not completed
HERB-101: 93% (O) not completed
HOM-101: not started
PTNS-101: 92% (not completed)
2nd year:
COMC-201: 95% (O) finished
My wish it to become an author in the future, and publish my books for the whole world to see! But, I'm gonna start of by publishing them in the library. Check out my books:
I made 17 books, and thank you to all me readers! I'm also hoping to stay in Hogwarts until 7th year, though it might take a while. I'm really busy in my muggle life.
Hey, just watch out. 'Cause, I don't want anyone saying anything offensive or rude. Just remember, that I am UNDER 18.
I might not realise if someone posts on my wall or something, and if don't reply afer 3 or 4 days, I'm sorry, but that's rare of me to do. IS IT JUST ME OR WHO'S GETTING 100NOTIFS A DAY!!! XD
Oh, if you like reading I really recommend the 'Murder Most Unladylike' seires. Don't start talking to me about it, unless you want a whole 24h speech, lol. AND KOLTC OBVSSSSSSSSSS
Umm, if you're wondering what I do all day. Basically, read, write, eat, sleep is my day and reading takes up most of it. Ok, maybe not most of it. I like watching tv and baking cookies too. OHH AND DON'T FORGET. HIH. duhhh
My patronus:
Recommended books:
I'm part of the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine, and now I'm owner, yayyy!
Anne of green gables set:
Those are some really good books, and I loved them. If you think any books are really good, please recommend them to me!
How I came to Hogwarts?
I came back from my muggle school, and went to put my bag down when a letter flew inside. I quickly ran outside, and saw a letter lying on our doostep. However, I couldn't see any postman, but I did see an owl. You know what I was thinking- my mother did go to Hogwarts so I was thinking the same thing. Without my parents noticing, I ran to my room to open the letter. It said:
Miss K. Shirley
The attic on the top floor
(my adress which I WISH was privet drive)
I know it sounds weird, but my rooms in an attic, which I chose. My parents said that I was silly, but I enjoyed it more up there. (that's not true btw)
Here was what the letter said:
Dear Miss (surname),
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Your Sincerely,
Professor Mcgonagall
This was the most exciting time of my life, I was jumping until my mum came in asking what happened. Quickly, I shouted, "I've been accepted into Hogwarts!" showing her the letter. She hugged me, and replied, "I knew you were full of magic!"
You guys don't know how happy I was. My dad had the funniest expression, and we all went to Diagon Alley, which is one of my faviroute places!
I hope you enjoyed my very short story, and I am really enjoying Hogwarts so far.
Taking a break from studying on HiH for a bit, only becuase there's literally soooo much going on in my muggle world. So, I thought I would share some of the most exciting times in my life:
-Losing my voice for 3 whole days!! I know that's a bad thing, but I found it kinda cool, and annoying of course.
-Going to the beach in Bristol with my family. I had so much fun there, and I think my dog did too.
- Every single Christmas! When I visit my family in Spain, there is soo much different food to it and I enjoy it so much!
- I had a school show, and I got the main part!! I was really nervous, though, 'cause evryone kept looking at me.
- My cousin graduted muggle school, and I'm so proud of her!
- Arriving at Hogwarts, duuh!
- Working with 'Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine' is one of the best things that has happened in Hogwarts so far.
-2ND IN MY SCHOOL COUNTRY out of 150 people
My Muggle life:
I'm the youngest in my class which feels a bit weird to be honest. So, I've got faviroute subjects on HiH e.g. Charms. But I also have some in my muggle school:
-English (even though the teacher is really strict)
Soo, yeah. I also go to drama club in school which is so fun!! I know, some of you are like, "Science is soo boring!". You guys got to be kiddin' me, it's like something that you can never get bored of. Though, I don't really like physics. Biology is by favirote out of chemistry and physics. (update) science has become more boring by the seconds. Now, english. I just love wrting, and reading about things. I learnt about Jack the Ripper, and it's soo gruesome. Imagine an actually murderer, lurking around the streets of London, taking out the iternal organs of people. P.E. is just amazing cuz I really like sports, and I couldn't spend a day without doing any sort of sports.
So, as you know, I do:
-contempary (used to)
-horse riding
Sadly, I have to quit contemperary, becuase my mum says it's too much, and if you want to do drama, you have to quit something. But it's ok, becuase I'm making my living room into a dance studio!! And, in drama it's 1h singing, 1h dancing and 1h acting.
I got two siblings, and older brother and a younger sister called Mia. You might've seen her, she also goes on HiH. You got it right, I'm the middle child!! Being middle child is the best becuase you get a taste from both sides, am I right?
Why am I unique to my family:
-I'm the only one that left handed, which is kinda cool.
-I got sick the most in my fam, though that's not a good thing
-I do the most sports; that makes me feel cool
-Only one that actually likes books. It took my brother a whole 2yrs to read a 300 paged book. And it took me two days, to read a 600 pages book.
A little bit more about me:
What can I see in the Mirror of Erised?
Ok, hmm, well that's pretty easy. To be honest, I can see a few things. First, my faviroute ever is me siting in a chair with a desk full of papers and ink, writing my first story. And I'm surrounded with multiple different books of different genres and authors. Of course, my faviroute: Emma Carrol
But then, we also have me on a stage peforming ballet in my pointe shoes.
Then being part of an acting industry as the star, obvs.
Now, back to Hogwarts. Don't worry, I do lessons here, and there are some that I don't really like, and I other I love. My two faviroutes would probably be charms, and CoCM. If you wanted to start of easy, flying is the perfect one. I don't really like Astronomy, I guess planets and stuff is not really my thing. You know what's so weird, I got bad grades on my fly.
How I spread my lessons:
I do 1 or 2 assighments everyday. I don't always do it on the weekends though.
Extra credits are normally done when I finished all the quizzes.
Once I've finished a course, I normally revise all the lesson so I can be ready for 2nd year.
I do each lesson twice before doing any homework, so I can try to get the best as I can without looking while doing quizzes.
However, now I hv took a break from lessons cuz I'm real busy in my muggle life.
probs won't do lessons ever again...hehe...life is hard
I published a nice and simple library book to help you spread your time table out. And, dw, there are a lot of breaks, and I mean a lot.
On pottermore, I am also trying to get as many points as I can for my house by completing the Daily Quizzes.
A message from me:
Yeah, yeah, I know it used to be 'Future Author'. And it still might be; I've still got so many years to choose. But I did change. Writing is one of my fav hobbies and I love it soo much! I write basically every single day about whatever I want. I have more than 9 books in the Library with a good amount of readers. It grows a smile on my face. For many years, I fixed my mind on being an author. Yep, I still could be. Though I have found a greater passion: acting. So I've completely changed my future, now I have chosen to be an actress. Last night, I kept thinking and thinking 'cause I was not able to sleep which is good 'cause I had so many thoughts. I was like: No, I want to become an actress. Acting is something that I love even more, u get to be so many different characters, and you get a taste of what it feels like to be evil or selfish, greedy, happy, tall, short, squeeky. Sooo many things! Talking about personalities, I'm now thinking about the Hogwarts Houses. Your not a Gryffindor, or a Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. In reality, your all of them. All of us have a bit of courage inside of us, or loyalty, wisdom or cleverness. We might lean in to one of them a bit more, but we are basically all the houses. If there was a house where all of them were mixed together, I promise you, most of you would be sorted into that house. I made my own quote to end the post, and I'll explain it too:
'Sometimes the only way is downhill'- Kyra
I'm trying to say that you can't always be the best and always be at the top. Being at the top means taking many risks. Sometimes the best thing to do, is to be at the bottom. Life has so many difficult choices, but if it didn't, life wouldn't be as exciting as it nowadays.
GURRRLLLSS. AND BROOOSSS. I have made a new quote:
"I have more imagination at night then I do at day"
I made my name Kyra Shirley because I found 'Kyra' a li'l bit boring. And I am also a fan of Anne with an E, so I though me and Anne would be sisters. LOL. Now, I'm going to share with you a poem that I made for my older brother since he's doing his GCSEs right now:
Can u guys also pls listeno this song i made (basically it's an ai generator, i wrote the lyrics and it turned it into a song so NOT my voice)
"If you wanna buy something without looking at the price tag. You gotta work without looking at the clock" (frr so relatable)
"The fact that my body crack like a glow stick and yet refuses to actually glow is very disappoiting"
"Follow your heart but take your brain with you"
'The trash gets picked up tomorrow. BE READY!"
"You're like a software update. Everytime I see you, I immediatle think, 'Not now."
(will be updated)
Heyy, soo a lot of people have a friend section so I thought I’d put some here. Obvs I’m not going to put everything ‘cause- well, that’d take me forever. More like the ones I talk more to on here. If you want to get added, just tell me!
Jean .W.P. Granger (irl)-SHE IS ammaaazziiinnng, always knows how to make me feel better, and suppeerrr kind. Even though she always forces me to take her food...(im not selfless btw, i'm just..yh)
July Potter (irl)-Soooo supportive, and I think she would be the perfect friend for ANYONE! OBVS..SHE DEF THE NO1 TAYLOR SWIFT FAN.
Hazel Emory Antler-firstly, she is great at EVERYTHING. But she's best and being a good friend. (you slay gurrlll). AND UR probabale one of the first actual BFFs Iv'e had on HIH!!
Sara Rowan- I don't think I could survive without you. You're so mature and are always there when need. Thank you so much for being there for me!!
Ivy Dewdrop-So sweet, and so kind, so..PERFECT. QUEENN. love ya sm bestie<333
Marlee Potter- Ok, people say "NOBODY CAN BE PERFECT' but Marlee comes so close to being a perfect bestie. LOVE U CUZZZOOO. U REALLY R THE BEST!!<3333 We both love yapping and we ALWAYS HAVE AWKARD CONVOS. loll
Lily-She is soo caring and amazing to talk to!!
Autumn Aschinger-WOO HOOO!! UR AMAZZZING BESTIE. I don't talk to u as much, but UR STILL reaallyyy sweet.
Charlie Windlefellow-OMG, BFFAEAE. amaazzzinggg. she's great, u should def start talking to her.
Autumn Edelstein-WHEN u find a friend who's like you, BOOM, she's too good to be true.
Sienna Lockwood-Really undertsanding, and can be a great idol, and always know when ur not in ur greatest time.
IIdart Realvamp-It's amazing when u find someone who can speak ther same language as you!
Elena Potter-It's been little time since I met her, and already wonderful.
Angelica Thorn-good-natured and thoughtful, please, you'll love her, she's a great person and friend.
Daphne Clark-I've only started talking to her, BUT GIRRRLLL. LOVE HER THE FIRST SECOND YOU MEET HER <3333. The BEST.
Neilman Goldstein-He's really kind, and amaaaaazzziinnngg to talk to!! Did I mention, he's good at graphics!! Oh I mean phenomanel.
Kiera Black-YASSS. She is soo slayy. NO KIDDING. We met like, idk? Not too long ago, and she's a bestie already!!
Persephone Black-Looks like the greatness runs in the family. I'LL NEVER FORGET HER.
Cecilia Malfoy-She is super caring, and sweet, I wish I'd know her earlier <3333
Dean.J.Weasley-He's supperr nice, and a great person!!
Sasha Lovegood-Firstly, she's really sweet to talk to!! AND WE BOTH LUVV MUDER MOST UNLADLYLIKE. slayyest girl everrr.
Lydia Lovegood-omggg, another fellow swiftie<333 she is professional at yapping, and I abso love her!!
Aurora Lauf-SHE'S SOO nice to talk to, she treats everyone so nicely and understands me really well!
Athena Roxanne-I'm only just getting to know her, but she seems reallyyyy niceee and sweet. I can't wait to learn about her!! Ur so slayy bestie<333
I wish I could add the 100+ people I'm following but well, I've lost my wand...
Anyone seen it?
Groups and clubs that I'm in:
Just A Study Group For First Years
House Point Comeptition Group
The Dreamweavers (PLS JOINNN)
Mystical and Magical
Quidditch Tryouts
Writing Club
Serious Academia's
Charms Classroom (official)
Hogwarts Monthly News, public group (I'm a supporter)
A place to hang out (for all houses) (I made it)
The Golden Trio (you can't join it, it's only for my friends irl)
End-of-Year Activity Planning Committee 2024
Swifties (I created)
Best friend group (this is for my besties on HiH) (I created)
Hype Team
Demure ladies society
Dumbledore's Army (active)
Study group for future Magizoologist
Poster desigining contest (I created)
Hogwarts Coffee shop (RP)
The Golden Trio Squad
Hogwarts Girls Party
The (Name) Family (PRIVADO)
Posters/doodles and drawings (PLS JOIN MY SIS MADE IT)
I love it when people post on my wall, so feel free to make conversation! Please don't swear (except frick, fudge and things that are not really bad), bully, disrespect, or be rude to anyone. Always follow the HiH Code of Conduct. If your comments violate these rules, I will delete the comment(s) and block you if it happens again.