𝓓𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓷𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮

Journalist and Proofreader @ HMN

"The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall mirrored the softly falling snow outside, making the entire room glow with wintery magic." // Mood: lalalalala

  • Joined July 2024
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 237 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


About Me

Name: Daphne Clarke

Nicknames: Daph, Daphy, Daphne Cat??? (the worst at giving nicknames award goes to Hazel Emory Antler LMAOO)

Birthday: December 20

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Gender: Female

Blood Status: Muggle-Born

Top Houses: Ravenclaw and Slytherin (Slytherclaw)

Wand: Chestnut wood with unicorn core, 11” and unyielding flexibility

Patronus: Hummingbird

Amortentia: Old books, coffee, chocolate chip cookies

Boggart: Being unsuccesful/forgotten

Occupations: Journalist & Proofreader for HMN! Check out our website here: https://sites.google.com/view/hogwartsmonthlynews/newest-issue?authuser=0

Future Job: Healer or Professor

Future Job (IRL): Journalist, Author, Criminal Psychologist, Surgeon ( I clearly can’t decide LOL)

Age: Minor (14-17 years old)

Personality: I am smart, studious, caring, talkative, and kind. I love meeting new people and am pretty extroverted (online at least). Feel free to OWL me or post on my wall whenever!

Appearance: Short, long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses.

Interests/Hobbies: Reading, writing, painting, baking, playing piano, designing anything and everything!

My Passions: Sciences, writing, and acting.

Sports: Long distance running + Cross Country (I really want to run a half marathon in a couple of years!)

Twin: Marlee Potter (ahh, we're so alike, LOVEE calling u twin!!) <33

Favourite Things

Favourite Colours: Navy Blue and Dark Red

Favourite Spell: Don't know yet!

Favourite Subjects: Science, English, Drama

Favourite Subjects (HiH): Charms, Herbology, Divination 

Favourite HP Characters: Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black (I love the Marauders :')

Favourite TV Shows: Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Outer Banks

Favourite Music: 70s! The Beatles, David Bowie, Radiohead and Pink Floyd are my favs!

Favourite Book Series: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Twilight, Caraval, AGGGTM, The Inheritance Games

Favourite Authors: Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Donna Tart, Charles Dickens.

Currently Reading: A Little Life 

Fun Facts

I thought this column would be fun to add for people who don’t know me too well. Enjoy reading little snippets that make up my identity :)

1. I am the biggest music/film nerd <3

No, seriously. Like I need someone to talk to about this. Please if you have Spotify and/or LetterBoxd exchange them with me! I could talk about movies for HOURS. Art and literature make up who I am, and I couldn’t imagine myself without it.

2. I am a victim to the sophomore slump.

This just had to be said. School is killing me. I'm nearly certain that this isn’t a fun fact but burnout has been the worst lately :( Gotta stay on the grind tho! (I’m gonna cry).

3. I have family literally everywhere!

It’s almost unbelievable. I have family in Switzerland, Montreal, Australia, Germany, Florida, Canada, Texas, West Asia, etc. And weirdly enough,I’ve barely visited any of those places. Also if you’re wondering, I’m half Australian, half Middle Eastern, and I live in Canada!

4. Everything about me is organisd chaos.

Especially my room. If you entered, you wouldn’t be able to find everything, but I know where every last thing is! All of my art supplies, music sheets, and books may look messy, but it’s all a part of my complex system. I also like to think of my mind like this. 70% of the time, my thoughts don't make sense, but the rest of the time, my random wandering can actually be coherent. I don’t know if that sentence made sense. Must have been the 70%.

5. I plan to graduate early and take a gap year to travel.

I’ve always adored travelling, and I know that with the future career I’m planning, I won’t get much time for it. So, I’ve opted to solo travel for a year. It’s crazy because that would be a year and a half from now, which feels very soon. Also, graduating early would be no problem, which is amazing! I’ve dedicated all of my summers, nights, weekends, and after school time to earning more credits, so that I’m ahead of everyone! In case you’d want to know, I’m preparing to tackle Grade 12 English in July! It makes me weirdly excited for summer school.

6. I play a crazy amount of instruments.

Some people think this is weird, but c’mon! Anyways, I’ve been playing the violin since I was 7, and started learning piano last year. I’ve been playing the saxophone and drums in school (seriously) since 8th grade, and I teach myself guitar on my dads guitar whenever I have free time. It’s a lot, but understanding notes and music is much easier to me than other things such as learning a language. OH, I also sing! I’m an alto :D

7. I love to design. Everything. No matter what it is.

I’m not joking. Graphic design, architectural design, even coding games or sketching clothing designs. It’s a bit much. But it’s seriously one of my favourite things in the world to do. Sometimes I think I have too many hobbies, and if this so-called one hobby doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what will.

8. I’m much more mature than I act.

Whew… I’ve lived through too much in my day and age to not be as wise as I am (kidding, but you get what I mean). I have no problem goofing around, but in serious situations, I am very reliable and people can depend on me. It’s hard to know that side of me online, but that’s kind of the point. No one has to share 100% of themselves on a site, so I choose to be known as easy-going and funny unless handling a tense situation. Or at least I hope people think I’m funny (please laugh).

9. I aspire to live in Italy someday.

I visited Venice once. Then I knew. I just have to live there someday. If not there, then somewhere in Europe. It’s why I’m so, so, so dedicated to trying to learn more languages. Seriously, I would choose anywhere but America or Canada. I need peace.

10. My biggest fear is not making it.

In many areas of my life, I choose not to accept anything other than perfection. You could say it was sort of how I was raised, but with that perspective, it’s very easy to feel like a failure. When people ask about my future, I feel like I don’t have anything to say to them other than “I’m a learner.” I’m not ready to commit to one job, or one path. I want to learn everything. And it makes me sad that I can’t. But despite that, I feel the need to go through life as I’m “supposed to.” Or else I don’t know how I’ll make it

Groups & Clubs

Here is a list of the groups & clubs I’m a part of!

Dormitory: House of Melodies <3 (Owl Sara Rowan if you're active and want to join!)

Ace That Class Tutor Group 

Advertising Group

Before Class Library

Best Friend Group <3 [Private]

Charms Classroom (Official)

Demure Ladies Society

Dumbledore’s Army (Active)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone the Musical

House Point Competition Group

Hogwarts Coffee Shop

Hogwarts Drama Club

Hogwarts Monthly News [Private]

Hogwarts Monthly News: Public Group

Hogwarts Singers/Songwriters

Just A Study Group For First Years

Magical Studies Group - DADA

M.A [Private]

Ravenclaw Common Room

The Golden Trio Squad [Private]

The Greenhouse

The Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Office

The Everson Family [Private]

The Kitchen Club

THE Social Group


Writing Club


Here, you can find release dates for books I'm writing and the links to them when they are published! Sorry if there are delays, hope it's understandable <3

Lost In The Pages: A Collection of Short Stories (Release Date: TBD)

The Acing Your Classes Series (Release Date: TBD)

Fragments of the Past (Release Date: TBD)



Astronomy: Not Started

Charms: O (100%) - Unfinished

DADA: O (100%) - Unfinished

Flying: Not Started

Herbology: O (100%) - Unfinished

History of Magic: Not Started

Potions: Not Started

Transfiguration: Not Started



Care of Magical Creatures: Not Started

Divination: O (100%) - Unfinished



If you want to be on here, post on my wall or owl me! :) 

Lily -  You were one of the first people I met on this site, and I could instantly tell you had such a kind soul! You're so sweet and supportive, and I'm so glad I got to know you more through HMN because I love working with you and chatting with you Lils <3

Marlee Potter - MARLS!! I'm SOO happy to call you my best friend!!! We have so much in common, and I love talking to you nearly every day XD You're so fun to be around, and you can ALWAYYSS make me laugh!! I couldn't imagine HiH or HMN without you, and I'll miss you SO BAD when you leave :( LOVE YOUUU,  TWINSS 4EVERR <333

Kyra Shirley - Just met you recently Kyra, but I feel like I've known you 4EVERR! You're so wonderful, and I CANNOT believe I didn't become friends with you sooner! I can't wait to talk moree, it's gonna be the BEST <33

Jean W.P Granger - JEJE <33 I also just met you not too long ago, but I can tell you are SUCH A GOOD FRIEND!! We share a lot in common and you are so fun to talk to! You have a great personality, can't wait to talk more <3

Michael Isserles -  You are so easy to talk to Michael; I love our conversations! Your books and writing are amazing, and I LOVE how you made the musical group!! It's the best working with you there and at HMN, you are such a great person to be around :D

Ivy Dewdrop - IVYYY <333 You are the kindest and most positive person I've ever met!! You are THE BEST to be around and talk to; your energy is literally contagious!! Kinda makes me sad that I didn't know you earlier :( but I'm SOO glad I got to know you more Ives, you're an awesome bestiee!!!!!! LOVE YA AUNTT <33

Nielman Goldstein - Omg Niel! You're an amazingly thoughtful and nice friend!! It's so fun talking with you about anything, especially art!! You seem like such a smart person, and I always look forward to talking to you :D Also I can't believe you work at HSM now! EEE I can't wait to see what you make <33

Sara Rowan - AH SARAA!! To be honest, I've ALWAYS looked up to you and find you so lovely to be around!  You are one of the most creative, talented, and supportive people I know, without a doubt <3 I love joining the groups you make, reading your writing, and hearing your advice!! Idk if this makes sense, but you are absolutely a true Ravenclaw at heart <33

Hazel Emory Antler - HAZZYYY!! There's so much to say about you!! You're an amazing friend Hazel!! It's so fun talking to you, you are so funny and amazingly hardworking. Your dedication and loyalty always inspires me <33 I love havin silly little convos with you. UR AN AMAZING CUZZO <33

Charlotte Windfellow - YAYY CHARLIEE!! I'm so glad we met and that we're friends!! You have so many amazing qualities, one being your humor!!! I love your personality, and that we're both HUGE theatre kids LOL (even though I don't show it as much :() UR AWESOME CHAR!!

Autumn Edelstein - AUTUMNN you're a great friend!! I love working with ya at HMN and talking!! I love how we could be pace buddies YASS <33 It's the best talking to you about school and cross country, conversations just come to easily with you!!! 

Angelica Thorn - ANGEL!! I was so lucky to meet you ahh!! I LOVE being friends with you, and I absolutely ADOREE your personality!! You are so friendly and lovely to talk to :) and UR SO TALENTED!! like I LOVE your book and honestly just your whole aesthetic <333

Keira Black - FINALLY a Slytherin friend YESS!! Keira, you're such a vibe, and you're SO cool and fun to talk to!! I'd love to get to know you more; we need to talk soon BESTIEE <33

Aurora Lauf - I am SO glad I got to know you more Aurora!! We have so much in common :) You are so much fun to talk to and just an amazing friend <33

To everyone on this list and everyone I follow, thanks for being such amazing friends!!! HiH isn't the same without all of you, and I'm so grateful to have you guys <33

2024-2025 Yearly Schedule


Awards & Accomplishments

First Paycheck - August 2024

Paycheck - September to January 2025

Best Journalist of the Month - September 2024

Most Interesting Article of the Month - September 2024

Best Friend and Twin of the Year Award By Marlee Potter

(ILYSM MARLEE, I'm so grateful to have you as my best friend <33)

Most Interesting Article of the Month - December 2024

Additional Information

I check the site every day, so I will reply quickly. If I miss you, it's probably because I got buried in a sea of notifications; please just let me know!

My email is daphneclarke713@gmail.com. If HiH goes down and you need to reach me, it's there! Please don't spam or send emails that aren't HiH-related. Thanks :)

I also have a discord! The username is daphne713. Friend me iyw!!

If you follow me, I'll follow back! I love making new friends <3

I love when people post on my wall, so feel free to make conversation! Please don't swear, bully, disrespect, or be rude to anyone. Always follow the HiH Code of Conduct. If your comments violate these rules, I will delete the comment(s) and block you if it happens again.

Backstory: Pending...

  Accio Profile Posts...
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