just some lil oc beans here :P || BLM || eastern standard time hehe
- Joined September 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
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started O9.25.2020
<summary>(・ 。゚☆:vincenza viridi :☆゚)</summary>
face claim : tia jonsson

" [ you think it's too early for a smoke? ] "
| general |
age : 16 ( depends on rp )
sex : female
gender : female
pronouns : she / her
nationality : italian , english
hometown : london, england
spoken languages : italian , english , romanian
birthdate : june 5 , 2004
zodiac sign : gemini
nickname(s) : vi , vivi , vinzee
sexual orientation : heterosexual
romantic orientation : heteroromantic

" [ i look prettier when i cry. don't you think? ] "
| personality |
— Vi is a quiet, mind-her-own-business, and selfish kind of girl. She never wants to go out of her way for others and if she does, they must be really important. Vi has never taken pride in her appearance and rather prefers to blend into the crowd. She finds that being invisible makes her feel less anxious. The thought of all eyes on her terrifies her, except when it comes to the quidditch pitch. Out there on her broomstick playing chaser is when she feels comfortable with the stares and cheers of other students. She is quite cunning and clever, like most slytherins, and can get herself out of any sticky situation. Lying comes as naturally as breathing to this sly fox. Vivi is the kind of person you want on your side, she has a fierce sense of loyalty to those she chooses to let in. The young blonde chooses to keep her circle small and would rather have no friends at all really. She is focused but not super confident and tends to be really hard on herself for things out of her control. This can cause her temper to skyrocket quickly, she expresses her anger usually by screaming into a pillow or just having a good cry. She's no risk taker and prefers to keep herself away from trouble, anything to blend into the crowd. Aside from the occasional sneaking out for a smoke, she tends to keep out of mischief, though she wouldn't be opposed. Vi has yet to find a good group of trouble makers to sneak around with. She doesn't talk much but does raise her hand to answer the occasional question in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Vi is quite disciplined and does her school work and regiments on a tight schedule. She was raised as a ballet dancer, discipline has been driven into her.
positive traits : loyal, cunning, clever, determined, ambitious, quiet, discreet, patient, organized
negative traits : anxious, temperamental, dishonest, insecure
phobia(s) : thanatophobia ( fear of death )

" [ my friends call me vi, that is... if i had any ] "
| appearance |
she has pale skin with yellow undertones. she bruises easily and any type of vein or discoloration in her skin is extremely noticeable. she follows a very strict skincare regiment that leaves her skin quite clear with the occasional pimple. her skin tends to get dry and she has a few red scratches near her collarbone and wrists where she tends to pick at her dry skin. on her forehead there is a large birthmark caused by vitiligo. it is a pink patch that extends to the bottom of her forehead, it extends into her scalp and hair line, discoloring her hair a bit. she is very insecure about her birthmark but knows that there is nothing she can do about it.
she has large round, blue eyes with naturally dark eyelashes that reach for her eyebrows. she has large purple and red bags underneath the ocean orbs that expose her lack of sleep. vi's eyes tend to water a bit when she is out in the cold and the skin around them is quite sensitive so her eyes usually look a bit irritated, as if she was rubbing the sleep away for hours on end.
vincenza has a sweet little button nose. its small and slopes upwards towards the end. her nose is cause of much insecurity and you can often find her pushing her nose down, in the words of amy march,"my nose simply does not look refined.". she is of the belief that sloped roman noses are quite mature and her upturned, bunny like nose simply makes her look like a child. blackheads naturally collect around the edges of her nose and she picks at them in a very angry fashion. they simply will not go away! much like her eyes, her nose is always red, as if she permanently has a cold, but it is due to the face that her skin is just quite sensitive. in winter her nose tends to run often, especially when she's out playing on the quidditch pitch. when playing her nose gets dry and will begin to bleed, hence the blood stains on the collar of her quidditch uniform. freckles dance across the bridge of her nose and dot along her forehead.
rose like lips grace the young girl's pale complexion. they are a bright red and stick out quite obviously. they are a large round shape and get small cracks in them when she neglects to care for herself properly or has been chewing on the skin for too long. she has slightly larger front teeth. she got lucky and has relatively straight teeth but she does wish she looked less like a bunny when she smiled.
body shape
her body is an ectomorph shape. she has thin shoulders that sit right atop her hips that jutt out slightly, but not too much. her waist is small and thin coming in at the middle. small, stick like legs hold up her frame and they are a little too long for her small torso. long arms cause her to think she resembles a spider, long arms and legs dangling at her sides. she has a thin face with high cheekbones and ears that poke out similar to a fairy's. her cheeks are a bit chubby, making her look a little childlike.
body build
she is a small girl with her bone's jutting out. her stomach and calves are mostly made of muscle due to her years of classical ballet training she left behind to attend hogwarts, though she did bring her pointe shoes and leotards with her to the school to keep in shape. her knees, wrists, and shoulders are quite thin and bony, her brothers called her knobby growing up because her knees used to be the biggest part of her stick like legs. she isn't terribly thin, simply naturally scrawny and unappealing compared to the other girls who have filled out in her class. her chest is small and almost nonexistent, though she would prefer that over back pain she says. her sternum is visible and she often covers up with a sweater and jeans since her thin frame is cause of much insecurity.
vi has long, pale blonde hair. the front two strands of her hair are snow white. she has vitiligo that causes just a few pieces of her hair to be discolored. the ends of her straight locks reach her waist. usually the young girl leaves her hair down but typically pushes it back behind her ears. while playing quidditch she prefers to put her hair into two plaits or one long plait down her back, that way she doesn't have to bother with it much. she always keeps a black ribbon tied around her wrist because when something requires focus, like making a potion or taking a test, she uses the ribbon to tie her long, thick hair back into a low ponytail.
she has many scars on her feet from dancing as well a one on her knee from a nasty fall off of her broomstick when playing with her brothers. vi mostly has a vast collection of bruises, simply because she is a bit injury prone and very pale. she bruises as easily as fruit.

" [ i can't, i have quidditch practice. ] "
| magical info |
wand : a thin spruce wand, just shy of seven and one-quarter inches long, wand's core is centaur tail hair.
boggart : her body lying in a coffin, pale and lifeless. this reflects her fear of death in general. everything about the subject makes her nervous.
favourite subject :
- defense against the dark arts
least favourite :
- herbology
house :
- slytherin
year :
- 6th year ( flexible depending on rp )
blood status :
- pureblood

" [ quite frankly, love... i don't care. ] "
| relationships |
[ anastasia dragos viridi ]
[ alive, serving sentence in azkaban ]
[ vulcan viridi ]
[ alive, serving sentence in azkaban ]
parental guardian
[ vesta viridi, paternal grandmother ]
[ alive ]
[ vulcan viridi jr.(22), sol viridi(19), iovan-roman viridi(19) ]
[ alive ]
[ urias ]
[ black tomcat ]
[ alive, attending hogwarts with vi ]
| style |

| backstory |
Vincenza Romania Viridi was born the youngest of three elder brothers in the years following the Battle of Hogwarts. Her mother was born a romanian witch and her father an italian wizard. Anastasia and Vulcan Viridi were as attentive as they could be with their children. They raised their three boys but when Vincenza came along the family was on the run. The couple had fallen into a bad crowd during the battle and have the dark marks to prove it. Vincenza spent much of her childhood running across Europe with her parents, evading detection by the department of magical law enforcement. Vincenza and her brothers were never told what horrific crimes their parents committed but they new that they were no saints and the Battle of Hogwarts wasn't the first time they pledged loyalty to the dark lord. When she was 7 years old, living in the english country side at the time, Vulcan and Anastasia were arrested and sentenced to life in Azkaban for their crimes. Vi tried to ignore the heartbreak this caused but it was hard on her. Luckily, the young girl had three rowdy, loving, and devilish older brothers who always made sure to take care of their little sister. Their grandmother raised the four children, sending all three of the boys off to Hogwarts. All of the Viridi boys were sorted into Slytherin and graduated with top marks. Her eldest brother Junior (Vulcan Viridi Jr.) is an auror and her brother Iovan plays for the Romanian National Quidditch Team. Unfortunately, her third eldest brother Sol fell in with Death Eaters who still lingered on after many years. He believes it's his duty to carry on what his parents could not finish, at least that's what he says when he writes to his siblings and grandmother. The young man has not had contact with the family in a few years, this has been hard on Vi as her and Sol were quite close due to their many similarities. Vinceza's grandmother is a strict woman who runs the Viridi Manor with poise and grace. She is raising her granddaughter to be quite the renaissance woman with achievements in all aspects of life. Vi's hot temper clashes with her grandmother's stern elegance causing the two to clash quite often. Hogwarts became an escape from the lonely, cold, and desolate mansion Vi spends her holidays and summer in. With her brothers gone from the home Vi finds herself alone when she's home at the manor with her grandmother and their staff. Slytherin has become her new home but even then, it's hard to escape the family name but she tries.
<summary>(・ 。゚☆:elio moon :☆゚)</summary>
face claim : emile woon
work in progress still hehe :P

" [ do you prefer red or white wine? ] "
| general |
age : 16 ( depends on rp )
sex : male
gender : male
pronouns : he / him / they / them
nationality : korean , french
hometown : paris , france
spoken languages : english , korean , french
birthdate : october 23
zodiac sign : scorpio
nickname(s) : els , ellie , tae , moon
sexual orientation : homosexual
romantic orientation : homoromantic

" [ please kiss me, i'm going mad. ] "
| personality |
— elio is a cold hearted, wisp of a boy. he is popular amongst his housemates due to his obsessive personality. he wants people to like him. he keeps appearances, that's for sure. he is so organized, he has his meals organized down to the calorie. this organization makes him seem almost robotic. it's rare to see the boy outwardly show his emotions but when he is upset, no one can pull him out of the depths. this tends to get unhealthy for him as he will lock himself up in his dormitory for hours, speaking to no one but himself. while on the outside it looks like elio is social and has many friends, none of them truly like him. they all find him rude and arrogant. elio is aware these people are around him for the popularity and his party-loving personality, but deep down it does make him extremely sad. if he had friends he would be extremely clingy, his small frame always hanging off of the other. the boy is extremely, physically affectionate and a big baby when it comes down to it. he holds a grudge and will hold it forever if he needs to, he is small but mighty. the boy is not afraid to hurt someone's feelings if they need him to. he struggles seriously with his body image due to the obsessive parts of his personality. he would easily become obsessed with whoever he falls in love with, never wanting to leave their side, which could chase some people away. give him any form of alcohol and he's putty in your hands.
positive traits : loyal, fun-loving, affectionate, loving
negative traits : mean spirited, arrogant, obsessive, flirty
phobia(s) : autophobia( fear of being alone )

" [ im so gay... like so gay. ] "
| appearance |
the boy has pale skin that is dotted with freckles. the spots dance from his forehead down to his feet. they are extremely small but plentiful. he has a completely colorless face, almost deathly pale. black circles gather under his eyes from lack of sleep from staying up partying or waking up with a hangover. his skin is clear and dewey, getting slightly oily when he neglects it. he has a small heart shaped birthmark on his hip bone.
slanted, almond eyes with hazel pupils give him an intense look. freckles are scattered across his eyelids and long, black lashes slant downward. hangover bags give his eyes an almost sunken in look, making his face look a bit skeletal. occasionally, when going to a party, he will smoke eyeliner under his lashline to give him a more sultry look. thin eyebrows arch above his eyes, giving him an intense expression. the hairs are fine and point downwards.
a small button nose is similar to that of his french mothers. he thinks his nose makes him look cute and his nostrils are small. his freckles gather in the largest quantity around his nostrils and the bridge of his extremely, little nose. he has a small bump in his nose that you can only notice if you feel the bridge of his nose. he broke it when he was little and it left a lasting bump.
his pale lips are always moisturized and soft. he has a smaller bottom lip with his larger upper one covered with small freckles. his teeth are straight and white, despite his seemingly bad drinking habits. he has a habit of sticking his tongue out when concentrating, so often when he is casting spells he can be seen making an almost amusing face.
body shape
his body is an ectomorph shape. he has small hips and shoulders. his fram is extremely tiny and looks almost breakable. he is not only short but also very scrawny.
body build
his short and thin stature makes him physically look unintimidating. however, he is quite flexible, nimble, and swift. he can move faster than most of the other students his age. this is beneficial when he is sneaking around hogwarts, leaving the boy's latrine after one of his midnight hookups or when he's dueling other wizards in the dueling club. he has a toned stomach, made of mostly muscle.
elio has thin, straight, black hair. he never wants to grow it out too long but during the summer holidays it will grow out long and fast. when it grows longer he puts it into a pretty man bun, giving his feminine face an even more elegant look. his hair is always a bit scruffy but somehow he manages to pull of the bed head. he lacks body hair and is pretty much hairless, which leaves him feeling a bit insecure. his hair is falling out from his lack of proper nutrition. he forgets to take proper care of himself and it often shows in his appearance.
the boy has no permanent scars but he is often seen with hickeys on his neck. the trail from behind his ear down to his hips and stomach. the boy wears the marks proudly, smugly showing off his flirty hookups that he takes a lot of pride in.

" [ is it possible to have just beer for dinner? ] "
| magical info |
wand : ebony, dragon heartstring core, 12"
boggart : his boggart is his own lifeless body laying in a room alone. this reflects his fear of dying without anyone there to care for him. the boy has a need for the attention of others and dying alone, no one there to grieve him.
favourite subject :
- alchemy
least favourite :
- flying
house :
- slytherin
year :
- 6th year ( flexible depending on rp )
blood status :
- pureblood

" [ i find you absolutely repulsive. ] "
| relationships |
[ adalene antoinette moon ]
[ alive ]
[ lee-min moon ]
[ alive ]
parental guardian
[ bernadette walker ]
[ maid, caretaker ]
[ pascale ]
[ snowy owl ]
[ alive, attending hogwarts with elio ]
| style |

| backstory |
Elio was born and raised in Paris, France. His mother still lives in France. Adalene Moon, Professor Moon, works at Beauxbatons teaching music classes. Her and her husband are not very close and have lived apart for most of Elio's life. Elio lives in a London penthouse, courtesy of his father. Mr. Moon is a healer working at St. Mungo's. He has residency there and is living in another one of his flats located close to the hospital. Elio's parents write to him often but he rarely sees them unless they take him to fancy work parties to promote their sons many academic achievements. He does feel a slight resentment for his parents abandoning him for much of his childhood, the small boy can't remember the last time he told his parents he loved them. His tutor and caretaker Madame Bernadette has taken care of him most of his life. She is an older woman with a kind disposition. Elio was taught from a young age how to play the violin from his music teacher mother. She hired many music teachers but Elio's bad attitude chased most of them away. He has a natural talent for music and science and isn't afraid to brag about his skill. The ravenette has no shame when it comes to the things that come naturally to him. With a snap of his fingers it would be easy for him to get anything he wanted. The world revolves around him, at least in his mind. His father and mother raised him on the philosophy that money can fix everything, though Elio has started to doubt this. Money hasn't bought him any love from friends or family. The boy has done everything to gain his family's attention, causing lots of trouble and neglecting to care for himself. He is practically begging for his parents to notice him, but alas, they buy his way out of any trouble or danger. This caused him to become very obsessive about how others perceive him