

Muggle Studies Professor -

  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Professor Lucinda Hallow was born in London on 16th April 1985. Her Mother is a Witch but her Father is a Muggle and growing up she felt very much a part of both the Magical and the Muggle worlds. She actually credits her Father’s influence with keeping her grounded and not taking her Magical ability for granted. At the age of eleven she was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where she was sorted into Hufflepuff House like her Mother before her.

She left Hogwarts with Outstanding grades in all her subjects and briefly considered becoming an Auror before realising her true passion was for teaching. Professor Hallow studied Muggle History at Muggle University and feels that living amongst Muggles for several years has given her a unique view on their lives. Professors Hallow and Castillo met whilst attending a seminar on Muggle Social Economics and she was so excited when she received the owl asking her to join her on the staff at Hogwarts as Muggle Studies Co-Professor.

Professor Hallow spends her spare time studying Muggle behaviour and collecting Chocolate frog cards. Her patronus is a Lynx. Her wand is Cedar wood, Unicorn Hair core, 11 inches long and surprisingly swishy.

Professor Hallow is happy to receive Owls from all students whether they are about thoughts and opinions or specific questions about assignments. She regretfully informs all the students that she will be unable to reply to any abusive or rude messages.

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