The name is Quinn Courtney Foxx. Sweet little Slytherin. Animal lover.
- Joined December 2017
- Member of Slytherin
- 197 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom

Because who doesn't love Stitch (thanks to Alicia Scamander for helping me with this)

Made by Jupiter
'Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten'
♪Name: Quinn Courtney Foxx
♪House: Slytherin
♪Height: 5’4
♪Age: 17
♪Blood Status: Pure-blood
♪Sexuality: Lesbian
♪Pets: Snowy owl named Gemini, Knarl named Mila, Cat named Aurora, Unknown Creature named Beau, Fire Dragon named Scorch, Dwarf Rabbit named Titch, Fennec Fox named Sakura, Tortoise Duck named Casey, Komodo Dragon named Trip and a Jobberknoll named Albert
♪Hobbies: Reading and playing on Pokemon
♪Patronus: Wolf
♪Wand: 9 and half inches, Dragon Heartstring, Willow, Reasonably springy
♪Starsign: Cancer
♪Hair Colour: Blonde
♪Eye Color: Green
♪Fears: Dark, Spiders, Blood and Thunder and lightning
♪Relationship Status: Taken by the beautiful Lucy Pevensie

My Patronus (Wolf)

glitter maker
I am a determined person who always does my best and I will stop at nothing to defend the people I care about. I will do anything to protect my friends even if it means that I get myself into trouble. Despite the fact that I am a Slytherin, I am generally quite a nice person and I tend not to try and make enemies with anyone. I don’t like to judge people because of their blood status or house and I am more than happy to be friends with anyone. I really don’t like it when I see people upset and I will do what I can to make someone feel better when they are upset.
When I was eight years old my parents told me that they were getting a divorce, and it really didn’t come as much of a shock because I could almost see it coming because of the fact that my father never seemed to spend much time at home. My mother was rather upset at first but the two of us got through it together. After that, I never saw my father again and if I am honest I am glad because of the fact that if he really cared about me then he would actually try to see me.
When I was twelve my mother remarried a man called Darren Foxx and he is just amazing. Even though he told me I didn’t have to change my last name I decided to because Darren is like a father to me and I haven’t even heard from my father since he left. Darren is almost like my best friend and he is always there to help me with anything that I need help with. I once tried to contact my father and I heard nothing back and when I got upset Darren was there to comfort me and he told me that my father didn’t know what he was missing. The three of us all get along perfectly and it really feels like we are the perfect family.
Before I was accepted into Hogwarts, I went to a Muggle School where I was bullied for being different. By different I mean I could move objects or smash them when I got angry or upset. I even completely smashed a mirror in the girl's bathroom once.
I am really clumsy and I can even fall over my own feet at times and I am also a little clumsy when it comes magic too as at times by spells can go a little wrong. I also tend to daydream a lot and I drift off into my own world so I don’t always notice what is going on around me. Sometimes people say that when I am in my own world, I have gone off to QuinnLand.
I am not all that brilliant at Potions (I know it is ridiculous. A Slytherin who is bad at Potions?) and I once even managed to set my Potion on fire, and I don't know what I would have done without my Professor who put the fire out.

I bought Gemini a few days before I attended Hogwarts for the very first time, I saw her and just fell in love with her. She is such a friendly owl and tends to like most people. She has a habit of nipping your fingers when you stroke her feathers. One thing that I can certainly count on her for is delivering letters to my mother and Darren. She loves getting treats and always screeches happily when I offer one.

When I saw Mila, I just had to adopt her as I thought she was just adorable. She was apparently a little malnourished and when I saw her I just couldn't walk away from her because of the fact that she was so cute. She loves attention and all she wants is to be loved. She will eat almost anything but her favourite food is chicken and she also enjoys drinking milk. One thing that she doesn't like is water and I am not certain why.

I got Aurora on my 16th birthday from Darren. I had mentioned that I wanted a cat a few weeks beforehand and I didn't know that he had heard me. When I saw her I fell in love with her and she is the cutest little thing. She may only be a kitten but she is certainly makes one hell of a noise when she runs about the house. Fortunately she got on with my other pets instantly and if she isn't sleeping or eating she will be playing with some of my other pets. She is a big softie and loves cuddles.

Beau was found tied to a post in the snow and shivering with cold. It is not known what type of creature he is. He was only 7 months old when he was found. He was very malnourished and seemed to be very weak. He is deaf in one ear as he had been ill and it had gotten into one of his ears. He is very friendly and loves attention but he is still slightly skittish around new people. He gets on very well with my other pets but he does his best to keep away from them as he is nervous around them. He loves to watch the rain but his favourite thing to do is sit in front of the fire. He seems to be afraid of snow and even seems scared when he sees it falling outside of the window.

I adopted Scorch from Potter's Adoption Centre. I saw him and just had to adopt him as he was so cute. He is only a baby dragon but that doesn't mean he isn't powerful. At one point he accidentally set my desk on fire, although I was able to easily put out the fire. He is starting to learn to control his fire but sometimes he can end up letting loose some flames. Despite him being a dragon he is a big softie deep down and loves a good cuddle. He gets on well with my other pets but he tends to try to stay away from them, I think that is because he is scared that he will hurt them accidentally with his fire.

I found Titch in a Muggle adoption centre where he had apparently been brought in to when he was only a few weeks old. I was told it wasn't certain what happened to him but it is thought that his parents were killed. He can be a little timid around new people and tends to hide if there is a lot of people in the room. He can also get a little excited and likes to run around after my other pets, especially Aurora. He loves to be cuddled and will even just happily sit on my lap at times. One thing he really doesn't like is loud noises

Sakura is such a sweet little thing and gets on very well with all of my other animals and although she is happy to spend time with me and lets me stroke her and cuddle her, it seems like she is happier being with animals than humans. I am not sure why that is but she does seem to like people at least. She likes to find a nice warm place to sit and ends up falling asleep, and gets a little cranky when she is woken up. it is very rare but at times she will climb up onto my lap to sit and lets me stroke her but it will be up to her when she wants to get up. She really doesn't like large crowds of people and yet she is fine with being around a lot of animals.

I adopted Casey from A Dale's magical Adoptions and she instantly took to both myself and my other animals. She is a very curious little thing and is very interested in what is going on around her. She gets on very well with my other animals and she is always playing with them. If one of my other pets is not sitting on my lap then Casey will get up and most likely fall asleep there. She loves watching the rain and loves to be cuddled. She doesn't like being left alone for long but when she is with my other animals she is generally alright.

Trip had been brought into my adoption centre when he as 2 years old, and it had been a very rocky road with him as he had been very ill and I honestly thought that he wouldn’t pull through but as if by a miracle, he did pull through. It took a while to get him back to full health and whilst I was taking care of him, I just fell in love with him so I just had to adopt him, he is now 5 years old and yet he still has quite a bit of energy. He does seem to love people and animals and yet he tends to feel happier around people than he does around animals. He is happy to be left alone for a while and yet at the same time is also loves to be cuddled, although he doesn’t like to be cuddled too much and he will decide when the cuddle is over.

Albert is 9 months old and I adopted him from A Dale magical adoptions. When he was found his feathers were matted together with dirt and he was all tangled up in some string and could hardly move. Although he has made great progress his wings are still a little weak and he doesn't really like being touched much. Another thing he likes is to keep clean and doesn't like dirt or being dirty. He also gets on with my other animals and loves watching the rain.
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