
Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures 201!

I'd like to give you a warm welcome to the Care of Magical Creatures classroom! If you have any questions about the class, please feel free to reach out to Professor Montclam by owl or visit her newly refurbished office! 

Additional portions have been added to Lesson One and Lesson Eight, alongside a new assignment. A rewrite of Lesson Nine will be published shortly!

Welcome to Our World You scurry into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom with the flock of second years. Straight off the bat, you can tell that this isn’t any typical classroom, with pens of magical creatures surrounding the exterior of the classroom as you take a seat. A woman with bro…
The Boring Beasts Making your way back into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom, you notice that the professor has scribbled down three words on the blackboard: The Boring Beasts. Seeing this, you prepare yourself for a theory heavy lesson by pulling out your notebook. “Now, don’t…
Stand Tall, Redwood Strolling into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom, you rush to your preferred spot in the room. By now, you’ve had plenty of time to explore the environment of this course. “Good day, everyone! Today, we will be covering Bowtruckles, which were publicised by N…
The Island of Netherland You look up to the blackboard after finding your seat for the lesson, where Professor Montclam’s wand seems to be drawing a picture of a fairy by itself. After reading up on some charms like this in the past few days, you come to the conclusion that this must be the …
Our Garden Potatoes Typically, the Care of Magical Creatures professor loves to surprise you with some sort of magical trick. But for today, she seems keen on getting the class settled down for lecture. “Welcome everyone! You are halfway through this year of the course. And therefore, you h…
Break Their Grip After sitting the midterm, you hope that the professor will give your class an easy lesson. “Good day, everyone! I hope you’re just as happy as I am with how your class performed in the mid-term.” The young professor stood in the centre of the classroom. “…
Those Pesky Kids! Walking into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom after a long day of lectures, you notice that there are two creatures drawn up on the blackboard. That can only mean one thing — today’s class would be another long one. “I know that it’s the afternoon,…
Kleurvolle Voël You notice that for this lesson, Professor Montclam has brought in a pet to class. This is the first time you’ve gotten to work with a creature in the class, and therefore, you can’t help but smile at the thought. “Welcome students! Since today is the last t…
Time For Your First Final! Congratulations, everyone! This is the last lesson of your first year in Care of Magical Creatures. I hope you have had an excellent time in this class and that you choose to take it again during your next years of schooling. There will be many changes in Year Three rega…
The first year of Care of Magical Creatures serves as an introduction to our world. Beast lovers will learn about the Ministry of Magic, the Department and Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and of course, some magical creatures!
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