Ginny Natalie Weasley

Student, Auror (in future)

• Hogwarts student • Proud Gryffindor • Pure-blood • Red-haired • Mysterious • Friendly • Coffee lover • Life lover • Quiddictch lover •

  • Joined November 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 6 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Ukraine


• House: Gryffindor
• Hair: Red
• Eyes: Grey
• Birth: March 7
• Blood status: Pure-blood
• Pets: Cat named Lady and owl named Owlie
• Wand: Pear wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Quite Bendy flexibility
• Patronus: Manx Cat
• Boggart: Basilisk

• Short about me:
I was born on March 7 in the pure-blood wizards family in Kiev, Ukraine. I prefer to call myself as Weasley, because I am a red-haired girl with brave heart. I have 2 brothers (pure-blood) and 1 sister (born by muggles), but all of them are cousins. That's something about me.

• My story:
It was the last week of summer. I played outside with my only best friend, when my brothers ran up to us and started to teasing me: "What's the matter, Gin? Didn't you get a letter from Hogwarts? Or maybe you are a squib?"- they mocked me, because they themselves were wizards. My friend Joanna understood everything, parents often scolded brothers for joking at me. They didn't mean evil, they were simply bored and they entertained themselves as best they could. The next morning, I woke up, looked at my watch, it was already 8 am. I went down to the kitchen, I'm standing in my pyjamas and one of the brothers said to me: "Oh, the squib woke up! Haha", very funny... At that moment there was a knock at the window. We looked and saw an owl sitting on the window-sill, it was unexpected for me. Mom and dad looked at each other and smiled. Is there another witch in the family? Brothers opened their mouths. Mom came up and carefully took the envelope with a seal, emblem and address. "Here, my dear. Open it!"- gently told me mom. I opened the envelope, took out a letter, began to read. Really? It happened! I could not believe it! This day there was a real holiday in our family. We worried that I really didn't have magical abilities and I was born a muggle. Even my brothers were happy. "Well done sister, now you are with us!" They shouted. The letter also indicated the list of books and things we should buy. I ran my eyes through the list and... THE WAND!!! I will have my magic wand!... PETS. Whom would I take from the suggested pets: an owl, a cat or a frog? I told Joanna everything, and she started telling me a lot about things that should be silent about and we quarreled. She just envied.

The next morning we went shopping to Diagon Alley. We went to Flourish and Blotts to buy some books; and to Mr. Ollivander to buy my first magic wand. As soon as the old man saw me, he smiled, took a wand with the words: "Pear wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Quite Bendy flexibility... I think this one is for you!". I felt warmness in my fingers after I took the wand, tried it and... indeed, the wand was just as for me. And the last thing we had to buy was a pet. I wanted a cat, and my mother said that the owl would be more useful. The saleswoman looked at us in surprise and said: "This cat is useful not less than the owl, it is an amazingly smart animal!". She convinced us, we bought a cat. "You're so beautiful, just like a lady! So I'll call you Lady!". In the corner of the shop in the cage the sad northern saw-whet owl was sitting, it was so cute. We took it too. Mom suggested to call him Owlie. So, I went to Hogwarts with a full zoo! On September 1, we took a ticket at the Kings Cross station to the 9 ¾ platform. Well, it was time to say goodbye. My brothers and I said 'goodbye' to our parents. I went to Hogwarts for the first time. I wasn't alone in the compartment. I met some girls and boys. Time flew by, we arrived quickly. It was breathtaking... Such a huge castle, everything was old and beautiful, ghosts were flying. Sorting in Hogwarts... I sat down on a chair, a hat was put on my head and I heard: "GRYFFINDOR!", Students, my brothers and teachers began to applaud.

Also I adore Quidditch. I can be a good seeker or chaser. So many feelings, so many emotions! Hogwarts is my home!
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