Hermione Lovegood❤

Head of DPWM

Student of Ravenclaw, founder of Daily Prophet Weekly Magazine and Hogwarts Study Magazine(NS), founder and head of Magazine Organization

  • Joined December 2022
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 9 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • China


Hermione Lovegood is a Chinese girl born in a muggle family in Shanghai. In muggle primary school, she is always a top student. One day, she was studying in her bedroom, the rain outside disturbed her. She looked outside and said quietly to the rain, 'Please, stop, my dear rain. If you can hear me, please stop within 25 seconds(25 is her lucky number).'And then she starts to count. About 20 seconds later, the rain stopped! She was amazed. She just did that for fun. She can't believe her eyes!

In 2022, before she was about to enter muggle middle school...

(To be continued)

More imformation please send me an owl/post on my wall/come to my studio→Hermione Lovegood's Studio | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

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