Luna Mandragore


Hi ! I'm Luna Mandragore, a Ravenclaw Hogwarts student. You can learn more about me by reading my backstory. Can't wait to roleplay and chat with you!

  • Joined March 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 247 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • France


Name: Luna Mandragore
Age: Take a wild guess...
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 1
Gender: girl
Sexuality: straight
Hobbies: acting, dancing (any type), reading, writing, drawing, broom acrobatics... anything creative, you get it.
Languages: French (native), English (fluent) and Spanish (not fluent yet - pero puedo charlar con vosotros!)
Favorite subjects: Astronomy, Charms and Herbology
Blood status: Half-Blood
Wand: Hazelwood, unicorn hair, 32cm, flexible

A B O U T   M E

My mother is a witch but my father is a muggle. He didn't know anything about my mother's origins until my powers manifested. You can easely imagine it was a shock for him to see me set the sofa on fire ! It wasn't easy for him to accept the fact that my mother had lied to him for years but time helped. Finally, when I received my Hogwarts letter, he was happy ! I was sorted Ravenclaw and I think I fit in perfectly: I have no difficulties with learning and enjoy to brainstorm. I still hesitate on what I want to do after my studies: being a Hogwarts proffesor attracts me but there are very few places. Maybe a writer? or an astrophysicist (I love Astronomy <3)? Anyway, don't think I'm one of those who spend their life working! I can also be a very good (and crazy) friend!


Name: Whoo-Dini
Specie: Great horned owl
Description: grey plumage speckled with white, yellow eyes
Habitat: natural habitat in America but he actually lives with me in France. He's very clean, so I let him go anywhere in the house.
Food: He mainly chases rodents (as you can see on the photo) and sometimes rabbits and little birds (however, he never attempted to eat Sunshine, my Caladrius bird -- see below)
Age: 5 years old
Life expectancy: 50 years
Classification: XXX
Abilities: very usful to deliver and get messages. Whoo-Dini is very intelligent and he is capable to find anybody, anywhere in the world, with only the name of the person as a clue! He is also a loyal, attentive and kind friend.

Name: Sunshine
Description: 15 cm long. Span of the wings: 35-40 cm. White feathers, very dark blue eyes, black beak and talons.
Habitat: Comes from Italy but now we can find specimens all over Europe (that's why I got Sunshine -- I live in France!)
Age: 10 years old
Life expectancy: 100-150 years
Food: berries, mangos and sometimes insects
Classification: XX
Abilities: He can tell if an ill person will die by looking at them or not, and eventually heal them. For more information about my animals, see the posts about them on my wall!

C O N T A C T   &   T I M E S

You can owl me or post on my wall at any time. However, I may not answer you immediatly due to our different time zones. I live in France, so this means when it is 2pm EST or 3pm EDT, it's 8pm or 9pm for me. And even if it is a super cool site, I don't spend my whole life on HiH!


If you want to roleplay with me, post on my wall or owl me. I'm also okay to do it in roleplay groups such as Hogwarts Drama, the Great Hall or General Roleplay. Please try to use decent grammar -- I say "try" because I am not an native English speeker so I do make mistakes too, but still, let's not forget things like punctuation or plural 's'. Also, please try not to write one line answers and help me get the story go on -- do not leave it all to me! It usually takes a bit of time to answer (need to find some ideas), I apologize for this.

O T H E R   O. C. S

I'm currently working on the creation of new OCs but for now there is just Luna Mandragore. I'll tell you when the new ones come up!

O L D   H. I. H.   S T U F F

These are the groups I created / had a responsability in not long after I joined H.I.H. I haven't been active for quite some time, so I doubt I will participate in this groups anymore.

Creator of the Hogwarts Escape Game

Want to discover some of Hogwarts greatest secrets? Take part in the Hogwarts Escape Game! Join this group:

Ad Creator for the HiH newspaper club

If you want to read our newspaper or be part of the team, join this group:

April 2020 competition organizer in the Inter-House competition group + March 2020 competition winner

Theme of the competition: Travel around the Wizarding World

Want to take part in friendly competition and even organize one? Join this group:

Ravenclaw Writing Team member

Want to take part in writing contests? Join this group:

Dumbledore role in the Hogwarts Ground roleplay

Want to roleplay as one of the Harry Potter characters? Join this group:

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