Mason Burke

street racer/hybrid badass

Caution's nothing without charisma! for if a man plays the fool then its only fools he'll persuade but appear to be the devil and all men will submit

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


i've always been a bit of a outlaw,a renegade,and a fighter. but that's the way ive been for longer than i know, longer than most people would know. i was born in 1645 in Ireland son to a Irish werewolf privateer and a welsh mother. since i can remember i watched my father sail his ship a beautiful blue and white frigate out of harbor and out to sea and come back a couple months later. that all changed 16 years later. my father set sail one day with his crew but never returned due to his vessel being sunk by a Spanish tallship killing every soul on board along with my father. my mother was strong and believed he would come back to the port not knowing what had happened. everyday for the next two years she would go down to the port and watch the sea waiting until finally she passed of grief and sickness when i was 18.afterwards i chose to follow the same path my father lived and became a privateer for a good captain and i lived this life for 2 and a half years until one day one a trip across the sea heading from British controlled territory in the Caribbean we were attacked by a Spanish galleon who sank our ship and crew. i would've fallen the same fate of my father and crewman if i hadn't acted upon instincts and grabbing a wooden barrel, tied myself to it to float but not after firing a volley of shots into the Spanish ship right below the water line sinking it along with the ship i served for two years.i floated to a nearby island and landed o the shore with a fellow crew mate and two Spaniards. fortunately one of them was a vampire who killed my crewman as the other Spaniard watched in horror.the vampire looked to me and was ready to attack but i fought back.finally after a long and tiring fight, he saw potential as me being a vampire and turned me into a werewolf vampire hybrid.we escaped that island and i bought a ship of my own a man of war which i named "the unforgiving fate"and became a pirate with the Spaniard as my ship's quartermaster.we sailed conquering many enemies and sinking countless ships making new allies. we even met and made allies and friends with many notorious and famous pirates such as the feared edward thatch or as he was more well known blackbeard. we met calico jack rackham and his 2 companions, we even met captain kidd. we were pirates thick and thin until the 1730's when piracy became less and less we finally ended our adventures and making models of the fate before setting her to rest deep within a cave on the Ireland coast and we went our separate ways.i continued living in Ireland for many years before moving to England in 1860 and stayed there 3 years later i met twins by the name of jacob and evie frye who were working to end the tyranny of the evil rich trampling the poor and common under their feet. i fought alongside them and took down plenty of evil scum in the future years until we cleared the streets of london. after that i decided to stay in london and after many decades joined in world war one. i spent an enormous amount of the war fighting on the front lines and fought at the battle of the Marne and also stayed in the trenches and front lines of the Somme in front of no mans land.after the war i remained in England before joining i the second world war.after that i moved across the sea to america and began to live there in Maryland and that is where i stayed until the Vietnam war broke out in which i signed up for active duty. after the war i moved to New Orleans joining a vampire pack lead by a vampire who ran the city for decades a man by the name of Marcel and i eventually made a living there before moving out to California fleeing new Orleans after breaking Marcels number one rule and killed two of his best vampires in 2010 and that is where i stay today in a small compound at the edge of the forest in california making a living from repairing vehicles during the day and participating in illegal street races at night using my black and red 1969 dodge charger rt. hoping that the man whose rules i broke to save others does not find me looking for a fight.
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