Danielle Rose Lestrange


  • Joined November 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 50 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Danielle Rose Lestrange
I am Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter and Tom riddle's, but I don't take my dad's last name. most people are confused because they didn't know Bellatrix had a kid, but she was pregnant in Azkaban and they wanted to keep it a secret but here I am now! So stay out of my way, and don't get on my bad side. I already hate this online Hogwarts in generally and I hate the sickness going around, so stay out of my way, and you will be fine.

Popularity in school: One of the most popular girls
Stage: First Year
Roleplaying Year: First year
Blood Status: Pure-blood
House: Slytherin
Wand: Ivy, phoenix feather core, 13", surprisingly swishy
Pet: Oliver, a strong male snowy owl
Patronus: To be discovered...
Future Job Aspiration: Death Eater
Quidditch Position: Seeker, second quidditch captain
Boggart: To be discovered...
Birthday/Horoscope: August 20/Leo
Likes: Having many friends, cats, snakes, Quidditch, being on time, learning new things, acting, being popular
Dislikes: Mud-bloods, muggles, rubish people like Potter
(Feel free to copy the above form and fill in your details, but *not* the entire backstory, please.)

Danielle is in Year 1 of Charms, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Defense Against Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, and Potions , so feel free to owl her with questions on either of those subjects!

Inter-House Relationships/Opinions:
Gryffindor: Great companions when you need a confidence boost, funny friends, annoying if cocky
Hufflepuff: Amazing friends! Most are so sweet, kind, and good-natured - just don't get on their bad side; I learned that the hard way. Can be annoying if they get too clingy or are...well...annoying.
Ravenclaw: Great, are very smart and wise. Have lots of wisdom, but are too opinionated and show off their smarts.
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