Lucl lavender


Hey, I am Muggle born but my grandparents were both magical. I enjoy charms and potions (probably after my ansestors) :)

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 64 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I am a intelligent Muggle born. I have always wanted to attend Hogwarts desperately hoping I would be one of the few Muggle Born's to be chosen. I am so grateful. With my mum being a squib my chances were slim with my magical ability coming from my grandparents, (who are no longer alive) but in there time my grandfather thought potions at another wizardry school. And my grandmother owned a book shop diagon alley. My grandfather also was a writer for a lot of great books. Before I came to Hogwarts I always knew I had a special ability about me. I am a very proud griffondor!
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