Lexa | silverandcoldone


  • Joined September 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 146 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Poland


Full Name: Alexandra Bradbury-Mokosz
Heritage: Celtic, Slavic, American
House: Slytherin

Crafted by:Henry Ian Bradbury of Bradbury & Grasse
Length: 12 3/4"
Primary Wood: Yew
Secondary Wood: Bergamot Tree (detailing)
Core: Tur Tail Hair
Other characteristics: 3 serpentine rings embedded

Lexa is the daughter of Gabriela Mokosz and Henry Ian Bradbury. Her father was a descendant of Mary Bradbury, an infamous Salem witch who managed to escape. Her mother, Gabriela, was a polish pureblood witch who immigrated to UK with her parents shortly after being born. Gabriela attended Hogwarts and was placed in Ravenclaw. In her fifth year, she met her future husband. At that time Henry Ian Bradbury was in his 7th year and serving the duties of a Slytherin Prefect. Upon hearing rumours about Voldemort returning, Henry and Gabriela were on their honeymoon in Poland. Afraid of being forced to become Death Eaters when they return, the young couple decided to stay in Poland, where they abstained from practising magic and embraced the muggle life. Gabriela began teaching polish language at school and Henry went on to become a carpenter but later worked for a polish wandmaker on the side as he missed magical life. Henry is known to have made wands with unique, non-standard cores, but some of these experiments resulted in a few of his finger being mutilated. Although Lexa's family tree is impressive, she grew up unaware of her incredible magical heritage. Gabriela and Henry raised their daughter to believe she was a muggle-born as not to allow the harmful belief of pureblood supremacy to be instilled in her during her time in Hogwarts.

Lexa gave The Sorting Hat a hard time. The girl was truly exceptional. Much like Harry Potter himself, she begged not to be sorted into Slytherin. She was trouble, but she was a tad bit too rational and a tad bit too introverted for a Gryffindor. She could be a Ravenclaw, she was just as brilliant as her mother if not more. So be it, Ravenclaw it was, the Sorting Hat decided after thinking far too long. Lexa thanked him, full of hope, like a Hufflepuff... and this had the Hat reconsider everything once again. Lexa was recalled to the stand after everyone else was sorted by the Hat itself. Lexa was a Slytherin and there was no way around it.

Convinced of her muggle heritage, Lexa was always proud of it. Her parents, who grew very accustomed to muggle technology and were fascinated by all the knowledge of muggles, taught Lexa all they could and even hired a private muggle governess. That way Alexandra went to Hogwarts with basic knowledge of muggle culture and muggle subjects she was particularly interested about - chemistry and biology. Her scholastic and critical approach to wizard knowledge was appreciated by some of the teachers, but it also met with resistance from others.


When Henry began working at Godfryd Grasse's shop, Godfryd Grasse was already very old. Henry took a long time to craft each wand as he was making them ornate and very beautiful. Grasse was not fond of his approach at first, but when more and more wizards kept coming from all over Europe just to purchase one of those "beautiful wands", Grasse realised his mistake. As he had no children, he made Henry his partner. From then on Bradbury and Grasse became one of the most notable names of the wand-making industry in the Old Continent. However popular in Europe, Bradbury and Grasse did not gain that big of traction in England due to Ollivander's immaculate reputation.
Henry had a gift for wand composition and his natural curiosity caused him to begin experimenting after Grasse's death. As a result of his experiments, some of Henry's fingers became mutilated beyond repair. Henry Ian Bradbury patented wands with cores made of Tur Tail Hair, Goldhorn Strand, Gagana Claw, Zmei's Tooth and Indrik feather.
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