Marielle Rose Winters

«Full-time Dreamer»

♥ ❝I think I think too much...❞ ♥

  • Joined January 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 64 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Name: Marielle Rose Winters Wand: Black Walnut wood, phoenix feather core, 11 & ¾ inches, hard flexibility House: Gryffindor Gender: Female Year: Sixth Age: 17 (can vary RP) Sexuality: Straight Appearance: (Below) Patronus: Irish Wolfhound Pet: Snowy owl named "Winky" Height: 5'2" Blood: Half-blood Nationality: English Birthdate: September 1st Fluent languages: English, Spanish and Italian. 
Marielle Rose Winters was born to a muggle mother, Emily Rose Colton, and a wizard father, Finlay Winters in Chester, England. She is the middle child in her family, with a younger sister, Elizabeth Winters, and an older brother, Finlay Winters Jr. She grew up with knowledge of the Wizarding World and always hoped she’d one day be admitted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. On her 11th birthday, she received her Hogwarts letter and was extremely excited. Marielle grew up loving everything about nature and spent endless amounts of her time in the forests near her home observing the wildlife there. Before Hogwarts, Marielle attended regular muggle school until she began her magic schooling. Upon her first night at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Gryffindor during the Sorting Ceremony. 
 Marielle is a shy and conservative person. When you first meet her it might take time for her to open up, but once you really get to know her she is very lively and can be quite loud. Marielle likes people who will always have her back and will always be there for her no matter what the circumstances are. She is confident in her studies, except for Divination which she tends to find confusing at times. She loves to wander around the castle looking for places that offer peace and quiet where she tends to practice spells or just sit there and read. Marielle is a kind-hearted and sweet girl, who rarely loses her temper. She is a very down to earth person who tends to mostly see the good in people instead of the darker side. Hair: Chestnut hair
 Eyes: Pale olive green. Skin: Fair Hair Length & Type: Reaching lower back and wavy Body Build: Slim Other(s): She has very light freckles around her nose and when she smiles she gets a dimple on her right cheek

 Favourite treat: Butterbeer Favourite sport: Quidditch Favourite class: Charms 
Least favourite class: Divination Least favourite sport: Muggle soccer ➳ Mary ➳ Elle ➳ Ellie ➳ Mar ➳ El ➳ Emmie ➳ Mel ➳ Mari ➳ Mare ➳ Ells ➳ Ems ➳ Rose ➳ Rosie ❧ Always do open RP's unless the situation calls for something specific/previously discussed. ❧ No god-modding, it's plain out annoying. ❧ Use proper grammar and detail. ❧ 2+ sentence responses preferred. ❧ Be realistic with your magic/powers. ❧ If you make it romantic, I will go along with it, just keep it appropriate. ❧ Take the rp somewhere! Keep it interesting, if you want to stop role-playing just say it, don't suddenly stop responding. ❧ Don't be psychic or pull some mind-reading, completely kills the mood. ❧ I am up for any type of rp. ❧ Have fun with it, don't role play with something you don't like or don't feel comfortable with. ❧ Keep the role play revolving around the Harry Potter universe. Don't suddenly add another universe (e.g the Hunger Games) as it will just mess it up and make it confusing. Only add mention of other fandoms if it is like a reference through a book or something. ❧ Do not play as my character unless I have given you clear permission. ➳ Things like "I watched Marielle's fringed gold and red scarf flutter in the wind, her school robe flowing in an elegant manner." or whatever are fine. ➳ Things like "That's very funny, Marielle said." aren't. ❧ Stick to one POV format during the RP to not make it confusing please. ❧ If I am not answering, feel free to pm me but please don't spam me or send invisible messages. I am likely either busy or asleep. <iframe src="" width="100%" height="300" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>
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