Auro Barres

Dedicated Student

  • Joined August 2022
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Mexico


Auro is a young wizard (age and grade depending on rp) from a very long magical family line. His family has moved from Latin America to Europe in order to protect the source of ancient magic they guard.


He is a tall brown guy with black curly hair and yellow eyes. He was a warm smile and is a very academically inclined person. He loves teaching and learning advance magic, he has even tutored older students form time to time. He loves music and gaming. Auro is a noble person, his second house is Hufflepuff, and had he not showed his potential at teaching he probably would have been assigned that house by the sorting hat. Friendship and kindness are very important social values for Auro, as well as wit, wisdom and knowledge.

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