Margaret Cresswell


  • Joined October 2016
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


The first thing that people notice when they meet Margaret is her eyes. Large and green, they show her curious and mischievous nature. She has olive toned skin that makes it seem like she might live somewhere that regularly gets sun, but that's just the Italian on her mother's side peeking through. She keeps her dark brown hair cut fairly short, just at her shoulders, not having the patience or skill to take care of it if it were any longer.
Margaret, or Maggie, to her family, is the younger middle child in a family of four children. She has one older sister, an older brother, and a little sister. Her family is all muggles. Her mother works very long hours as a nurse, and her father is a secondary school history teacher. Because both of her parents work full time, she is closer with her siblings and her older siblings have both taken on somewhat parental roles within the household. Overall though, she comes from a lively and loving family.
Margaret is not quiet by any stretch of the imagination. She is one of those people who seem to immediately have an opinion on every topic, and she manages to seem pretty much just as passionate about every opinion. Because of this, she is fairly confident, if not bordering on arrogant. Her father gave her a love of history and learning about how life was for other people from different places and times. She is also a very active and outdoorsy girl, though not necessarily athletic. She just enjoys hiking and exploring nature.
When growing up, sometimes Margaret noticed that things just kind of worked out if she cared enough about them. The very first instance of this happened when she was six and furious about her older brother eating the last ice cream bar. Her poor mother in her exhaustion with Maggie's tantrum, managed to find one more in the back of the freezer. Of course nobody thought anything of it at the time, but Maggie, being the imaginative girl she was, would always cross her fingers about the little things such as coin tosses, and more often than not it worked out for her.
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