The Hogwarts Library

Recent Books from the Library

Story Chapters Reads
A Misery for some by Ananya-T 1 124
A new upcoming total fan fiction story- a novel based on Hogwarts, if you liked Harry Potter then you must also love this. Coming soon...... but before November
  124 Reads • 1 Chapters
A story that was most likely not copyrighted by Sofia 1 168
  168 Reads • 1 Chapters
my favorite potions by Inesa Finesa 2 80
hi i´m Inesa Finesa and there are my favorte potions
  80 Reads • 2 Chapters
Lauren Thunder and the Three Scary Rats A Fairy Tale by Sofia 1 96
I am not going to tell you so you will have to read the story ( I am very evil)
  96 Reads • 1 Chapters
School Part 2 by Jean .W.P. Granger 1 103
A Part 2 from the poem - School
  103 Reads • 1 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5) by Hazel Emory Antler 24 355
Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly…
  355 Reads • 24 Chapters
H.E.A's Articles by Hazel Emory Antler 3 128
I've been in the Hogwarts Monthly News group since... Well, late February of 2024. As well as now being the head, I'm also a marketer, proofreader, journalist and editor. I thought it'd be nice if I gathered all the articles I'd written and stored them in this book, as well as who edited and/or proofread them. So, come on! Flip the page...
  128 Reads • 3 Chapters
Unseen Students: The Reawakening of Morgan Starsilver by Flora Goldwell 4 132
"The room glowed red as the suspect refused to answer the interrogator. The interrogator left the room and in his place a tall, leathery figure with ebony wavy hair and wearing a Carmine-Black suit. The suspects' voice quaked 'Starsilver!' "
  132 Reads • 4 Chapters
The Ultimate Guide to Being the Smartest in Your Cla… by Stargirl3625 2 350
  350 Reads • 2 Chapters
First Year's Study Guide: Astronomy by Charlie Windfellow 2 287
Need help acing Astronomy class? Then this is the book for you!!!
  287 Reads • 2 Chapters
First Year Herbology Notes by Elizabeth Wonders 10 204
There you go, your brand-new notes for Herbology 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
  204 Reads • 10 Chapters
First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes by Elizabeth Wonders 10 220
There you go, your brand-new notes for DADA 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
  220 Reads • 10 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News NEEDS YOU! by Hazel Emory Antler 4 272
Have you ever wondered what to do in HIH? Sure, there's classes but surely there's other things you can do too? Lucky for you, you're reading this! You can join the 'Hogwarts Monthly News' group- and there's other positions open than just journalists, so don't worry, you don't have to write! Come on, read on!~
  272 Reads • 4 Chapters
First Year Astronomy Notes by Elizabeth Wonders 10 287
There you go, your brand-new notes for Astronomy 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
  287 Reads • 10 Chapters
The Girl who Strung the Stars Across a Swathe of Sky by Sara Rowan 2 178
The stars glisten brightly above, each shed from the tear of an unknown. A story lies deep within one's chambers. But they weren't always there. Once, there was a sky dark as doom. No light shone and the night was a terrifying murder that laughed in your face before swinging the axe. Children went missing. Howls were heard from the forest. Villagers lived in fear. Except one. This is …
  178 Reads • 2 Chapters
First Year Potions Notes by Elizabeth Wonders 10 296
There you go, your brand-new notes for Potions 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
  296 Reads • 10 Chapters
HiH Clubs Magazine (May-June 2024) by Ivy Swiftlight 4 228
  228 Reads • 4 Chapters
First Year Charms Notes by Elizabeth Wonders 9 375
There you go, your brand-new notes for Charms 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
  375 Reads • 9 Chapters
Suggestions for HiH! by Sara Rowan 9 263
All the suggestions and ideas I have to improve HiH and make it a better place! If you have any suggestions, let me know using the form in Chapter 1 : )
  263 Reads • 9 Chapters
What does IQ mean? by taylorcurran 1 96
IQ test, which stands for "Intelligence Quotient," is a standard score that tells you how much smarter or less smart than your peers are.
  96 Reads • 1 Chapters
Story of Us by Ariana Malfoy 1 188
During the end of summer break, Allie asked in a group chat with the Slytherin boys if they wanted to go to the beach. A week-long getaway so turns into a messy love story between her and Mattheo. Can they both save what they once had before everything went wrong? (CONTENT WARNING: NSFW, Swearing) A Mattheo Riddle fanfiction
  188 Reads • 1 Chapters
My book of little pieces of writing by Kyra W. Granger Potter 3 184
Just some of my writing pieces, I promise it's gonna be fun. And it's suitable for all ages!!!
  184 Reads • 3 Chapters
School by Jean .W.P. Granger 1 149
A poem about the beginning of my day at school :) Hope you like it! I'm sure some of you can relate! :D
  149 Reads • 1 Chapters
My Diary (Hazel Emory Antler) by Hazel Emory Antler 10 213
Well.. I don't know why I decided to write this. Maybe it's because I feel like it'd be fun, or maybe posting your diary in the library for all to read is a growing trend or something. Anyhow, I don't mind if you keep on reading!..
  213 Reads • 10 Chapters
Ryan is ANOYING!! by Crystal 1 130
  130 Reads • 1 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 4) by Sienna Lockwood 17 485
Hello all readers, This month we’re going to share with you many exciting things, with spring having already started, all the beautiful sights of blossoms growing on your trees. However, this month has also been a month of pranks, as we talk about how fun and hilarious April fool’s day is! Furthermore, we’ll share with you the story of Easter, National Titanic Remembrance Day and of course, my f…
  485 Reads • 17 Chapters
Crystal Winterstar’s Spellbook by Crystal Winterstar 0 0
My own book where I write my own spells. !! IN PROGRESS !!
  0 Reads • 0 Chapters
My Diary by Ariana Malfoy 28 307
So um....I'm taking a big risk doing this here....JK i don't really give 2 flying ducks anymore names are going to be changed and of course a few other things but ya enjoy my crazy ass life. (BTW I am finally publishing this now so this has been in the works for about 2ish years. and will occasionally be updated)
  307 Reads • 28 Chapters
Spooky Scary Spiders by Jean .W.P. Granger 1 105
I was told to write a poem about something that scares you can see from the title, like Ron Weasley, I am very, truly scared of spiders and have probably the worst case of this phobia you have ever seen. This is a poem linked to my fear of spiders, and I hope you like it. :)
  105 Reads • 1 Chapters
My first year. by Daniel Black 2 300
In this book I will highlight some important points about my first year, and possibly yours.
  300 Reads • 2 Chapters
Quisiera que exista la magia by [No Name] 0 0
Quisiera que exista la magia
  0 Reads • 0 Chapters
My Diary by Kyra W. Granger Potter 4 395
Don't read it, PRIVATE!! I mean, if you really want to read it, I guess you can. Nobody said you couldn't except me, but that doesn't count. So, welcome to my world...
  395 Reads • 4 Chapters
Time table for all 1st year Gryffindors by Kyra W. Granger Potter 6 377
  377 Reads • 6 Chapters
Boys Feel Sad Too by Cillian Quinn 4 219
If found, please return to Cillian Quinn or he will track you down. SPOILER: this is a diary. ((TW: sexual content, violent contend, BDSM, death, self-harm, etc.)) You can assist with the making of this diary, in the form of RP!
  219 Reads • 4 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News Needs YOU! by Hazel Emory Antler 4 249
Have you ever wished to be a part of a News group? Well, you're in the right place!
  249 Reads • 4 Chapters
My Wizarding World Journey by Layla Smith 2 150
This book will take you through my journey and will be in the form of diary entries which I will try to update daily. Join me as I describe my life as a newbie to this wonderful fandom.
  150 Reads • 2 Chapters
A book of poems by Kyra W. Granger Potter 3 165
This contains many of the poems that I wrote, and I hope you enjoy it!
  165 Reads • 3 Chapters
The Mystery of the Cyanide Maid! by Kyra W. Granger Potter 9 160
This is basically Murder Mystery three, and I haven't finished, but don't worry, it will get updated!! Can't wait for you to read it
  160 Reads • 9 Chapters
Book Spoilers by Kyra W. Granger Potter 2 187
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I just had to! WARNING: If you hate book spoilers, don't read this book, it is dangerous. Hey, I don't like book spoilers either, soooo. Anyways, if you like book spoilers, that you can read it. The 1st chapter is an intro so everybody can read it, it just says what books I'm gonna spoil for you.
  187 Reads • 2 Chapters
Summer of Love by Ariana Malfoy 11 419
The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. Its really the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. A JJ Maybank Fanfiction (In Progress) (Two People are working on this, hence the writing changes at times)
  419 Reads • 11 Chapters
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