First Year Potions Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for Potions 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

Last Updated






Lesson 1) Hello, Hello, Hello (Introduction)

Chapter 1

  • Emphasizing the importance of safety in the classroom and lab

  • Toxic and irritating ingredients can cause severe damage or death

  • Dress code: wear sufficient covering, closed-toed shoes, remove long-hanging jewelry, pin back long hair, and wear dragon-hide gloves and goggles

  • Patience is crucial when brewing potions, wait for instructions before touching anything

  • Pranks and humor are not allowed in the potions classroom

  • In the event of an accident, prioritize safety and seek help from the professor

  • Do not immediately help a fellow student who is injured, notify the professor instead

  • Wands are important tools, but should not be used for horseplay or practicing spells

  • Potions are magical mixtures that combine magical and mundane ingredients

  • Potions have various effects, from healing to causing physical changes or psychological effects

  • Only witches and wizards should ingest or apply potions, as Muggles have adverse reactions

  • Muggles may have used potions in the past, but their tolerance has decreased over time

  • Some Muggles sold fraudulent potions, while others may have used beneficial ingredients

  • Lack of exposure to magic has made Muggles less tolerant to potions and magic in general

  • Exceptions exist where Muggles are exposed to magic secondarily in areas with a magical population, but this is rare

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