A Complete Guide to the Wizarding World

This textbook, written by Avendium Acheron, Phellus Plegethon, Luna Lethe, Cirus Coctyus, and Seripha Styx, is an amalgamation of topics from the Wizarding world. Some Muggle topics are also included, but Muggles are not the primary topic of a Wizarding textbook. Please use this textbook responsibly. Being a Complete guide to the Wizarding World also means that it contains both Legal, ministry-approved topics, and illegal topics, so the use or intended use of information marked with “URI” (Unaproved / Restricted Information) may result in a punishment from a simple fine and up to a life sentence at Azkaban. Avendium has also included a number of Charms and enchantments attached to the pages of this book, allowing for a greater educational experience.

Last Updated






The Beginning

Chapter 1

This textbook, written by Avendium Acheron, Phellus Plegethon, Luna Lethe, Cirus Coctyus, and Seripha Styx, is an amalgamation of topics from the Wizarding world. Some Muggle topics are also included, but Muggles are not the primary topic of a Wizarding textbook. Please use this textbook responsibly. Being a Complete guide to the Wizarding World also means that it contains both Legal, ministry-approved topics, and illegal topics, so the use or intended use of information marked with “URI” (Unapproved / Restricted Information) may result in a punishment from a simple fine and up to a life sentence at Azkaban. Avendium has also included several Charms and enchantments attached to the pages of this book, allowing for a greater educational experience.

By continuing to read this textbook, you magically agree that the Acheron, Phlegethon, Lethe, Coctyus, and Styx families and related outlets are not responsible for any accidents regarding the Book, including illicit spell use, injuries, Casualties, fractured / imploded minds, and more!

This textbook will cover nearly every topic (Ouch!) about the WIzarding world. It is important to note that most human magic is done using a Wand, and thus will be one of our first topics (Please see Chapter 2 - Wand Wood, Chapter 3 - Wand Cores, Chapter 4 - Wand Length and Flexibility).

This serves as a sort of informational beginning. We will go over Wands (Which includes the components of Wands), The different Schools of Magic and the spells that are taught in them, and Many non-spell related topics like Potions or Magical History and the Laws of Magic.

If you happen to have any further inquiries or additions you would like me to make, please contact me. I also have a discord server that you can join called "River Acheron". You can also join me in our Hogwarts Club "Talisman".


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