Kang Seo Min


  • Joined May 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Czech Republic


I was cooking when I received my letter. That owl was kind of corrupted I guess because she kept slapping me until I finally opened my letter. Since I knew about Wizarding world, I had no problem with believing that it's real. My mother took me to Diagon Alley where I bought every school supply I needed (and some additional books).
When I arrived at Hogwarts I was expecting that I'll be sorted into Ravenclaw or Slytherin. When I heard the Sorting Hat screaming "Gryffindor" I realized that a new era of my life has just begun.
I love DADA and Charms and I'd like to become an Auror, so I could become an animagi.
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