Ajayla Gray-Locke

Student, Protector, Healer

Single Smart and a really great tutor and loves to hang with friends loves quidditch

  • Joined December 2014
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I am A witch and a princess, my mother and father both attended Hogwarts, they were on different sides, my mother was on Gryffindor and my father was in Slytherin.... my father and mother are king and queen of a huge kingdom, in quittenville, alaska

Relationship status: Single
Siblings: A older brother named hendrix
Likes: Skating, visiting lots of places, loyalty and honesty and having plenty of fun
Dislikes: lies and losing loved ones

FAMILY LINE: pure blood
HOME: Quittenville , Alaska
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