Aar Vee

Independent Spell Creator

  • Joined April 2014
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


After finishing my education - where I was skilled at Charms, Arithmancy, Runes and Transfiguration - I joined the Committee on Experimental Charms. I have seen many wondrous and terrifying things during my tenure on the Committee, sometimes both at once! Some may believe that I worked for the committee to ensure the safety of the Wizarding public, and that’s true enough, but I really got a thrill when I see the cutting edge of magical research at work. It led me to want to do more in the field without the constraints put upon me by the government or the bureaucracy. So I took an early (very early!) retirement from the Ministerial job and ventured out on my own. I research and create spells that are essential for daily life, from household spells to wards that regular people can put up.
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