- Joined August 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Haiiiii! It's Harmony, LuLu (ask first; Temp and Angie), Glitter (Ask first; Angie and Temp) i NEeDs MoRe NiCKnaMeS!!!!!!!!! GIRL POWER!!!!! Warning: I EEz a WeiRDo!!!!!! I hAvE A ShORt TempER! dO NoT MeSS WiTH mY FriEnDS!!!! Can i be abducted by aliens? ~ Harmony Luna Granger
Name: Harmony Luna Granger
Nicknames: Lulu (Temperance Klasey, Angie) (You have to ask before you can call me this) Glitter (Temperance Klasey, angie, anybody that remembers) (ask first) Chloe/Chlo Bug/chlo/Chloe Rae (Only a few people) (only if you know!!!)
Age: varies
Likes: kind people, her friends, reading, writing, and singing
Dislikes: bullies, clowns, and liars
Animagus: fox
Patronus: Irish wolf hound
Blood status: muggleborn
Relationship status: Dating Andrew Potter (I think.....it's kinda complicated...)
Family: Her sister is Hermione Granger. Harmony has twins!
Female Snowy owl: Periwinkle

Female Jaculus: Snow White

Male: Niffler: Biggie:

a Male bowtruckle: broccoli:
female bowtruckle: Ivy:

Male pygmy puff: Lion:

Female Phoenix: Arizona:

Female Three headed dog: Athena:

Female Common Welsh green dragon: Emerald:

I am the little sister to the legendary Hermione Granger! I am very smart just like her but I think I struggle to try and live up to everyone's expectations. Everyone thinks that since she is my sister that I should be like her and accomplish great things! I will just not quite yet. The night that she erased our parents memory of her, I was heartbroken. She didn't get my memories though. After that, I had to pretend that she didn't exist, it was TERRIBLE!!! She eventually restored our parents' memories though and we have a wonderful sister relationship. I was sorted into Ravenclaw for a reason and I believe that reason is that I am very smart and I'm very odd in my own way. The decision was immediate, it barely took the sorting hat any time! My favorite classes (so far) would have to be potions, the care and keeping of magical creatures, and Charms. However I do not fancy herbology much. I am doing very well in all of my classes even though I am a muggleborn. My status as a muggleborn has stirred up a lot of bullying from Slytherin, but that does not affect me because I know that I will make a very good witch! I was not yet in Hogwarts when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, but I still had full confidence in Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger (who is my favorite person by the way). After I am finished with school I think I either want to work as a professor at Hogwarts or Work at the Minestry Of Magic, maybe even both! I love magic because it is a way that I can be free and show that weird isn't always bad! If I am being honest, I hope to be able to use magic to make a difference and help others! I have two pets who are very loyal, my pet snowy owl, Periwinkle and my pet Jaculus, Snow White! This is all there is to know about me, but hopefully on my way through my magical journey, I will be able find more about myself and share it with the world!

Theme song: stand by you:
Quotes I Live By:

Irl facts!:
Fave movie(s): Proximity; Five children and it
Fave book: Can't choose Lol!
Fave color(s): blue, aqua, firest green, and purple
Birthday: November 25th

My quotes:
Haiiiii!!!~ Harmony
Can I be abducted by aliens?~ Harmony
I wanna be abducted by aliens!~ Harmony
Me! FC: idk:

Me and Angies!!!!

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A couple notes before you read my backstory:
•If it has an arrow like this, click on it to see more text: <details>
•If it's black text and turns blue after your cursor scrolls over it like this:
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•No hate, please! My wall/backstory is a friendly space.
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♡ My bootiful family:
Violet- The oldest sis
Wisteria (Wis)- The second oldest, weird but serious child
Ellie- the third and very intelligent child
Alex- the fourth and mega intelligent one
Nilan- the fifth very weird bro
Noop- the sixth and epic memer
Angie- the seventh softie but understanding child
Cassidy (Cassie)- Angie's twin sista
Beatrix (Bea)- the serious af, dark child
Sophie- the third youngest child who has deep thoughts
Lily- the second youngest who is fun
Steluvius (Stelly)- The youngest one who loves annoying his siblings
Angela-no idea but extremely technical
Hermione (Mione)- Angie's super funny and kind niece
Hazel (Hazey)- The cool but bullied middle child
Lara (Larie)- Angie's amazing sweet sistaaa
Ava (Avie)- Stelly's amazingly annoying and weird twin sista :P

♡ Full Name: Angelina [River] Calypso Anna Nike Aria Holly Oceanus Avila Marina Tara Andromeda Hawthorne di Angelo-Varlett
(River di Angelo-Varlett)
♬ Nicknames:
•River (Everyone)
•Angie (Gotta ask)
•Winky (My house elf friends <3)
•Kelpie/Kelp Face (James Shaw and Abigail Rana)
•Mama/Mum/Mami (My floofer children)
•Ri-Ri/Ri (Gotta ask)
•Rio (Gotta ask)
•jEsSiCa (Hazel/Anyone that remembers)
•Annie/Anni/Ani (Ashy, Jas, Rae, Harmony, and Alli)
•Lasagna (Ashy and Jas)
•The Duchess (Anyone who knows)
•Your Grace (Anyone who knows)
• Poet Master/Queen of Metaphors (Anyone that likes my poetic vents/metaphors)
Special Nicknames:
•HuffleQueenie (Holsie)
•Riv/Rivie (Hazel)
•Queenie (Hazie)
•Fish Face (Lilac Syympatih)
•Berry (CiCi)
•Gigi (Harmony)
•Rivy (Holsie)
•Angy (Cho)
•Princess (Tiny and Ginger)
•Anna (Vi, Wis, Sophie, and Chloe)
•Anna Banana (Vi, Wis, Sophie, and Chloe)
•Ma'am (Amani)
•Pancake (Larie)
•Gie (the one and only Chasey XD)
•Annabett (Lia)
•Gigigigigigigi (Etc.) (Hazey)
•Angelica (Mione, meh niece)
•Kucu (Aragog and ARAGOG ONLY!!)
•Pygmy Puff (Avie)
•Missy (Sophia)
•French Fry (Morgy/Avocado)
•Riva (Viva)
•A-Gi (Harmony)
•Angel (someone...)
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♡ Parents: Athena (The goddess..), and Noah Hawthorne Varlett, but I now have a very friendly step-mother named Calliope di Angelo
♬ Siblings: Triplet step-siblings, Andromeda (Andi/Andy) Hazel CiCi Harmony Lola Temperance di Angelo-Varlett, Jason Chase James di Angelo-Varlett, and Hestia (Tia) Zoë Bianca Reyna di Angelo-Varlett (I named them!)
♡ Godly heritage:
Greek- Daughter of Athena
Roman- Daughter of Neptune and Legacy of Bellona
♬ Blood Status: Half-Blood
♡ Appearance: Tanned skin, bright green eyes, long wavy chestnut/brown hair, a couple freckles, petite and skinny.
♬ Personality: Sweet, loyal, kind, sometimes shy, friendly, creative, depressed..
♡ House: Hufflepuff, but don't mess with me
♬ Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie (The equivalent of Hufflepuff)
♡ Gender: Female
♬ Sexuality: Straight, but respect to meh LGBTQ+ fwendos
♡ Relationship Status: Single Pringle
♬ Birthday: November 8th

♡ Aesthetic: Light Blue

♬ FC: Skyler Day

♬ Shared accounts: Too many to remember..but Coffee Chaos, Da Crazy Gurls, Cinnamon Rolls, Besties, Besties Depressdies, The Angel Sisters, The Golden Quintets, The Weird Angels, Chaos, and way more.

<summary>Facts About Me</summary>
➳Amortentia: Chocolate, Parchment, Ocean Mist, Lavender.
♪ Wand: Ebony wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ½" and unbending flexibility
➳Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (No, I'm not murderous and evil..most of the time at least..)
♪ Patronus: Dove
➳Boggart: Spiders and being alone.
♪ House Quidditch Position: Chaser
➳Languages I can speak almost fluently: English of course, French
♪ Languages I know a bit of: Greek, Italian, Latin
➳Aesthetics I love: Waves, the beach, and sunsets/sunrises (Light Blue)
♪ Where you can usually find me: The beach
➳My Theme Song: Either Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones, All We Know by the Chainsmokers, Broken by Brooke Butler, Maybe by Brooke Butler, Wave by Brooke Butler, or Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
♪ Musical Instruments I Play: Guitar and I'm in choir
➳Favorite Music/Bands: 70s/80s/90s Rock, my favorite bands are the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Queen.
♪ Favorite Color: Blue, Black, and Emerald Green
➳ Favorite Book(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter (Of course), The Hobbit, and more..I'm a big reader..
♪ Favorite Sports: Hockey (GO MONTREAL CANADIENS!!), Soccer (Manchester United!!), Swimming, Gymnastics, and
➳ Favorite Food: Italian, CHOCOLATE, ceviche, CHOCOLATE, ice cream, CHOCOLATE and BLUE FOOD!!! (Percy Jackson fans will understand the blue food one)
♪ Favorite Muggle School Subjects: History, Art..
➳Favorite Hogwarts Subjects: DADA and Transfiguration
♪ Favorite Hobbies: Photography, Painting, Designing Clothes, Texting people, and much more..
➳Favorite Sports Team: MONTREAL CANADIENS!!!!! (Hockey), Manchester United (Soccer)
♪ My Signature Spell: Aguamenti
➳My Boggart: Hurting someone I care about
♪ My Mirror of Erised: Loved ones that I can trust surrounding me

<summary>My Favorite Quotes</summary>
➳"I'm just like dark chocolate. Bitter, yet sweet, and you either love me or hate me."-Me
♪ "A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands."
➳"FISH PONIES!!!" -Tyson (Percy Jackson!)
♪ "Don't look down on someone unless you're helping them up."
➳"Friends are the family you choose yourself."
♪ "Friends are the people that know the song in your heart, so when you forget the lyrics, they'll sing it to you."

<summary>My Pets</summary>
✿ Female Phoenix named Hazelnut (After my friend)

✿ Female Pegasus named Artemis

✿ Male Pygmy Puff named Floofer (Name courtesy of Ava Roberts and Lara Jean!)


Angies are beautiful, smart girls. They are shy sometimes, but once you get to know them, they are a bit crazy but amazing people to hang out with. Angies are social and are very outgoing. They are a lot of fun and always nice. They don't act fake around people, they are who they are and they don't change. Overall, they are great to around with.

✿James/Jin/J.J./Janie Potter✿, Abigail~A lil bit lonely~, Hermione Potter Granger, ◉ lia ◉ , Bunny Boy, Lara ~ torn ~, ♬ Hazel ♬, Lexie and Rylee, Harmony •lost•, Kahala Naga, ♡Evie Fawn♡, Ellie Smith, Clover Turner, Zelie Shacklevolt, Avere C· «plus two asses», Angels_and_Demons, Morga Lestrange, Padmé Skywalker-Weasley, ♡Sarah Scamander♡, Sophia Greengrass-Potter, Temp Klasey ~Im here 4 u~, Pishi Shiraz, Steluvius Black, ♡ Hollis ♡, Ava Roberts-DED-, Sophia Greengrass-Potter, ✰˩ιℓαc Ƨʏʏмραтιн✰, Mabel (tired), ❤AlohaPotion101, Bea BIRTHDAY GIRL, ✧Will di Angelo ✧, ~`Stress Kitty`~, Cʜᴀꜱᴇ Pᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ, Cinnamon Mylie, ✿ Hazel Anderson ✿, Aragog Scamander, ❤Ally Potter❤, Violet Thorne, Wisteria ~Hyper~, ➳Cho, Alex Reine, ♡Sage Maiden♡, and Celeste Evergreen

<summary>A song my BFF (Harmony) wrote for me!!</summary>
Beautiful girl! (For my BFF!)
Verse 1: Anna you're a beautiful shining star! But, stars can't shine without the dark. Be exactly who you are. Things may change but you should stay the same.
Chorus: This beautiful girl. She saved my world. You are that beautiful girl. You are so kind. Can't get you outta my mind. Thinking about you all the time. You are My sister. From another mister. Connected by our souls. Forever, even when we grow old.
Verse 2: You don't deserve what you're going through. But, understand that it is what makes you, you! You are beautiful no matter what. Inside and out.
Verse 3: My family that I get to choose. Well my sister is you.
Verse 4: was it a coincidence that we met? I think not! We met for a reason...to help each other out and I'm so happy now. But, only When you're around!
Verse 5: Even when grow old. Together, sitting in heaven making trouble, having fun. We're the marauders, two. Me and you.
This beautiful girl....

<summary>Special Mentions for the Special People!</summary>
♡ Celeste Evergreen- Celeste, where do I start. You're the most amazing friend in the world and I dunno what I could do to show you this. You make me so happy and laugh so hard, and you always help when I'm feeling down. You've been my best friend..no, sister, for years. We've been through so much together and that's what makes our friendship so strong. I would do anything for you, and I hope you know that.
♡ James/Jin/J.J./Janie Potter- You've been my best friend since I joined HiH and you're soooooo supportive! I can talk to you about anything at all and you'll help, even just by being there. You're an awesome person, and I'll always be here for you.
♡ Ava Roberts- You're funny, kind, awesome, silly...what more could someone ask? You're so amaazinnggg!!! I'm glad to be your friend.
♡ Steluvius Black- Stelly, my protective brother..YOU'RE SO WEIRD! Which is awesome. Byeeeeeeeeee XD
♡ Sarah Scamander- Sarah, you've helped me through so much. You help me smile and you're an amazing leader! I'm here for you, and I know I can always count on you.
♡ Abigail- You're always, always there for me. Your positivity brightens up my world and honestly I need that in my life. You deserve so much and I wish I could give it to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the amazing person you are.
♡ Hollis (Holly/Paris)- Holsie, you understand my pain. I will always be here for you and I know I can count on you. Thank you so much for helping me through all of these tough times..
♡ Clover Turner- Tiny, you're kind, funny, sweet, awesome, and great at rp. You always cheer me up and help me when I'm sad, and remember that I'll do the same for you :3
♡ Sophia Greengrass-Potter- You're awesome! I can count on you, and you always make me smile. Thanks for everything!
♡ Temperance Klasey- You're so funny and caring and insane in a wonderful way. I can't thank you enough for always being there for me, and you should know that you can always count on me. I love you, murderous child!
♡ Bunny Boy- You really understand me in ways that almost nobody else does. We're in this together, don't forget that sugar.
♡ Pishi Shiraz- You're really fun to talk to, and super sweet! Keep on being an awesome potato =)
♡ Evie Fawn- Evie, you're really cool, positive, and always there for me. Thank you!!!
♡ Cinnamon Mylie- CiCi, you're so sweet and understanding, and fun to talk to. You're an amazing friend and I love your personality, you're unique. Remember that I'm always here if you need to talk, and I'll support you no matter what.
♡ Violet Thorne- Vi, you keep me going and positive when I feel really depressed about..life. I love our daily questions and talks, they always make me smile. Thanks for being such an amazing friend.
♡ Harmony Granger- Lulu, you're the sweetest person on this planet. And once you get abducted by aliens (lol!), you'll be the sweetest in the universe. You've helped me so many times and in so many ways, and your positivity always helps. The world needs a person like you, and I'm so glad you're my friend.
♡ Hermione Potter Granger- You're awesome, sweet, kind, and hilarious! Being with you makes me smile, and I love your personality. I AM PROUD TO BE YOUR AUNTIE!!!!
♡ Lara Jean- Larie, I'm here for you. I'm going through the same thing but you shouldn't have to, you're an angel. I'm so glad I met you. Just hold on for me..never let go.
♡ Aragog Scamander- Sir Goggy, you are very annoying yet I have to admit funny. Thanks for caring about me and helping when I feel depressed..which is a lot. You've saved my life and I'm forever grateful. Go Manchester United!
♡ Hazel Anderson- Hazie....you won't know how much you mean to me. You're my best, best friend and I couldn't do anything without you. I would give anything in the world to be your friend and you should know this. I'm ALWAYS here for you, whatever you need. Don't forget how awesome you are.
And so many more. If I missed you, please don't hesitate to tell me. I love you all!

<summary>My OCs (I have more but I'm too lazy to put them..just ask.)</summary>
Muggle/Hogwarts OCs:

Name: Riley Jackson
Nickname: Ri
Age: 14
Siblings: None
Appearance: Dirty blonde hair usually in messy braids or worn loose, pale skin with freckles, amber eyes, a blue T-shirt, and jeans.
Skills: Very smart, and is so intuitive she can almost read minds.
Personality: Outgoing, funny, kind, and smart
Likes: Water, parties, having fun, friends
Dislikes: The dark, scary things, and teachers
House (For Hogwarts rps): Ravenclaw

Name: Kaileigh Mitchell
Nickname: Kai
Age: 15
Siblings: 7 brothers and sisters, she loves Axel, her older brother, and Charlie, her younger brother the most.
Appearance: A bit petite and skinny for her age, tanned a little, sparkling blue eyes, long chestnut hair, usually wears something fashionable but casual, has a bag/purse with her most of the time to carry a sketchbook, likes to wear boots.
Skills: Good eye for color and aesthetics, very fashionable, smart, good with kids (having 7 siblings), and is amazing at designing clothes.
Personality: Very shy, creative, kind, sometimes negative about herself
Likes: Fashion, art, chocolate (hot cocoa), sketching designs at cafe (that's where you'll usually find her.), and Nico Bailey (Shh!)
Dislikes: Loud noises/people, bullies, and bad style.
House (for Hogwarts rps): Hufflepuff

Name: Autumn Callisto
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Siblings: None
Appearance: Auburn/brown wavy hair, emerald green eyes, wears a green shirt with a black cardigan and jeans, and always wears these silver earrings.
Skills: Good at archery, and amazing with plants.
Personality: Kind, shy, sweet, but fierce if you hurt someone she cares about.
Likes: Plants, forests, reading, friends
Dislikes: Polution, unkind people
House (for Hogwarts rps): Hufflepuff

Name: Athena Blair
Nickname: Athi, Thena, and Tina
Age: 16
Siblings: None
Appearance: Dark blonde hair dyed red at the tips, electric blue eyes, wears black shorts and a T-shirt with black leather fingerless gloves, and black boots.
Skills: Very intimidating, smart, and strong
Personality: Tough, mysterious, smart, strong, fierce, and snarky.
Likes: The color black, Ice Cream, and not much else...
Dislikes: Goody two-shoes, everything super colorful, and school.
House (for Howarts rps): Slytherin

Name: Nico Bailey
Nickname: None
Age: 15
Siblings: Alexa Bailey
Appearance: Messy black/brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, wears a blue T-shirt and jeans, and usually wears a black hoodie.
Skills: Smart, Kind, Persuasive, and Charming
Personality: Shy, Kind, Persuasive.
Likes: Ice cream, chocolate, Kaileigh Mitchell (Shh!)
Dislikes: Mean People
House (for Hogwarts rps): Ravenclaw
➳Try not to ghost me
♪ Keep swearing at a minimum
➳Please don't control my character
♪ No God-Modding
➳One-liners are fine with me
♪ Try to use decent grammar, please
➳Tell me if you want to RP and pick an OC
➳I do basically anything, except mature romance.

<summary>Metaphors/Poems I've written (They're depressing..)</summary>
♡ Reflections:
Who's that? She looks...in pain. Her chin trembles like a G7 chord with an untuned string. Her eyes are a void of depression, defeat, hurt, and heartbreak as heavy tears fall down her face in waterfalls of emotions. I stare at her, the sight making me feel horrible.
Oh wait. That's the mirror.
♡ A Tsunami of Memories:
The screams of the girl as the waves, larger than tsunamis fell over her. The screams of the girl as the endless gallons of..not water, but emotions crashed on top of her. The silent screams for love and help as she drowned under the weight of her own expectations and sadness.
♡ Breathing:
I speak words of encouragement to dying others with a silvery breath. They breathe them in and come back to life. Somehow, I am able to do this over and over again. Yet I cannot save myself with a single whisper or a hoarse scream.
♡ Letting Go:
Letting go of someone you cared about is like letting a balloon fly higher and higher because they're not burdened by the weight of you, as you sink to the ground because they're not there to help you up.
♡ False Security:
Beautiful lies surround me in mists of fake reassurance. Then the truth hits me and resonates like a lost bass note inside my darkened soul.
♡ Demons:
I feel the demons. They're just around the corner as I breathe heavily, too scared to move. Either way, I couldn't. I stand there as they come closer..ready to torture me yet another time.
♡ A Faded Painting:
I once new a girl. She was happy and free, like a rogue wave in a sea of normality. She was colorful and fun, like a hot-air balloon crossing a cloudless sky. Then the world gradually beat her down with standards, expectations, loss, grief, and sadness. Now she's faded into a black and white version of herself. She lost her color and happiness as if the rain had washed away her clarity. Now she's dark and wearisome...not even bothering to try to repaint herself. I see the discarded brushes longing to recolor her broken smile.
♡ Natural Disaster:
Storms swirl around in the middle of the ocean. Tornadoes in the American Midwest. Hurricanes in the Caribbean. And me in the middle of hundreds of blank faces. I'm a storm of emotions, a tornado of depression, and a hurricane of heartbreak. Nobody can tame me. It's just a natural phenomenon. Tears fall like raindrops. Smiles appear like an eye of a cyclone, a spot of tranquility in the midst of swirling, powerful winds that are trying to beat me down. Laughter is a calm in the storm, a peaceful trickling of water in a dry stream after a flood. Yet the rain always continues. I stand in it, unable to do anything as it erodes my hope and strength.
♡ I'm Fine.
A girl stood at the edge of a cliff, trying to hold up the weight of her problems, heartbreak, and loss. As her inner monsters tortured her, firing bullets at her already trampled heart, she forced a wavering smile through her pained expression for the rest of the world. And while her broken tears and blood rolled down her scarred face, she could only softly whisper a two-worded lie, "I'm fine," before she collapsed under the weight of her heavy burdens.
♡ A Wandering Soul
There's a ghost of a once beautiful soul wandering the abandoned hallway of memories tonight. Her pale, transparent hands trace meaningful words written a long time ago. She haunts these passages like her complicated past haunts her. She thinks about all the people she never meant to hurt. Oh, if only the grandfather clock in the corridor would turn it's hands backwards, allowing the lonely spirit to unweave the web of mistakes she had orchestrated. Her well-meaning intentions had done nothing except reveal her worthlessness. Sometimes you can hear her scream and cry while recalling these scarred yet precious memories. Then the haunted hallway falls silent once again.
♡ Help
"Help." I call out weakly into the spiraling void of misery. Shivering, I fall to my bruised and scraped knees. Misty nothingness shrouds my delicate, wavering frame. I struggle to keep my chin up. All I can see is darkness, shadows of lost hope. The knife on the floor makes it's way into my hands until I find myself to be the cause of the blood and tears streaming down my face. Nobody had answered my desperate call.

<summary>Side note for Hazelnut</summary>
Hazie, I'm always here for you. I'll be the person that's always with you, no matter what. I'll be the laces for your shoes, your braces for a geek, your s p a c e s i n a s e n t e n c e. Life is amazing because I have you in it. The monsters of my past are scared of the light and happiness you seem to radiate. You've saved me many times and I'll be here to save you whenever you need saving.
Love, Angie
<summary>Side note for Harmony</summary>
Lulu, you're the best. I won't ever leave you and I'll be your sister, best friend, and more. Whatever you need, I'll try my hardest to give it to you. Just remember how much you mean to me and how important you are. Even if someone's been through worse, you've been through so much and you should be proud of your scars. Always know you can talk to me and tell me anything.
Love, Angie

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Approved by my inner monsters, Zeus/Jupiter, my BishBuster Captain *tips hat to Stelly*, and Dumbledore