the worst feeling is when you feel like you're annoying to the only person you want to talk to. *ReLaTaBlE*
- Joined July 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I took about three minutes for me to be sorted. To be honest, I thought I was going to Hufflepuff but here I am with my sisters! I love them so much hehe. I love Transfiguration, it's the best! I don't really like Potions and I sorta gave up on it... But I'm re-doing it again soon. I have a pet snake named Shela, after my aunt and she LOVES cuddles it a bit silly because she's a huge snake.
I have red hair that's dyed, brown eyes, tan skin, and I'm super short for my age XD
Time for you to met my sisters...
*in progress*
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Does this mean I write about myself? If so, then it didn't take long for me to be in Gryffindor. I guess I take things literal and also I am very gullible, which makes me vulnerable and also a piece of trash. My great grandmother is Tina Goldstein. Also, this is my personal account: So yeah... Next! ~ Gracieeee
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