Parvathi Vinod (INACTIVE)


Aspires to be a Healer and Teacher. Loves reading books. Favorite subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, Potions. Studies at Hogwarts.

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 68 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


It was my 11th birthday and I was spending it normally with my Parents and friends at my house in India. That was when the doorbell rang. Expecting a latecomer friend, I opened the door and was surprised to see a women wearing queer clothes, which somehow seemed to impress me. She had this aura of intelligence that attracted me instantly. I let her in and called my parents who were equally surprised.
She introduced herself as a teacher of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and said that she was here to talk to my parents about something important regarding me. When she saw that my friends were there and that my Birthday party was going on she said she'd wait and sat on the sofa. I noticed that she was looking intently at me when I was cutting my cake. Even I couldn't help chancing a glance at her every now and then.
And finally when my friends left The Professor told my parents all about Hogwarts and that I was a witch and that I had been selected to pursue my magical schooling there.
My parents were super proud of me. That was the best birthday present ever!!
And here I am, all set to explore the Wizarding World and learn about all the amazing new things Hogwarts has to offer.
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