Whether you come back by page, or the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home-J.K Rowling❤❤❤
- Joined July 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 25 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

~Sav( ask)
~Savi( Anybody)
~S(Callie Granger)
~Savani( Althena Van Delmark)
~Savann( Ariminta Clagg)
-Savvi(Shrine Loode)
-Ava(Savannah Lorenzo)
~Sanna(Tessa Graves)
-San(Harmony-Sable Malfoy)
-Vannah(Ava Roberts)
Make some more nicknames to be in the club:)
Likes~ Make-up, Frosted Perrywinkle, Thai Room, Victorius
Dislikes~ Nosy people, people that doubt themselves
Loves~ Red heads, Road Trips, Chocolate, Llamas, *add heart emoji, and kissy face*, Outer Banks*where i live:)*
Hates~Bullies,Liars,Cyber Bullies, Alpacas

· Born to Be Brave (From "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series")
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