Bárbara Avena


So when you miss their touch... And loving face... Gone but not forgotten is the perfect phrase... Smiling from a star that they make glow...

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Brazil


I remember how dad's eyes would light up when he talked about Hogwats, it was a distant dream, nothing like my reality. My reality was Castelobruxo, period. I don't remember much about the night of the attack... just the fire and my parents going back to save their students. Now I'm in the other side of the Atlantic, living with my uncles who I never knew, but I can tell that they are trying tho... that is something right? And then going to Hogwarts, why not learn a whole different culture WHILE learning magic right? Nothing could possibly go wrong... right? Right? No Bárbara, again, that's just not your reality.
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