"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -Steve Jobs
- Joined July 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
Name: Aurelia Genevieve Rose ("Aurelia" means "gold" or "golden" in Latin) <3
Nicknames: Aurie, Lia
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood status: Half Blood (Mom is a pureblood while dad is a muggle)
Wand: Chestnut wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and unyielding flexibility
Patronus: Otter
Special skills: Intelligent, brave, loves to help, experienced in modelling in the muggle world.
Hobbies: Reading, going on trips, swimming, programming.
Favorites: (Color) Baby pink, (Flower) Lily, (Food) Mashed Potatoes with gravy, (Subjects) Charms.
My Amortentia smells like: A new piano, used prefect vest, ink.
Signature spell: Expecto Patronum :D
Appearance: Dark brown wavy/straight hair that reaches roughly below her shoulders. Her hair is normally let down as she wants her hair to be able to "breathe". She does tie her hair up in a ponytail when she is doing something important (studying, meetings, exercise etc.). Her clothing consist of the usual Gryffindor uniform when in class. Outside of class, she usually wears a white overcoat, a breezy light grey t-shirt paired with a beige pleated mini skirt for any meetings outside of class. In her dorm, she wears a sweater vest with a white collared shirt under it and a pair of white sweatpants.
Thanks for taking the time to read this mess of a profile :O
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