Andromina(Mina)~=I’m ok=~


I believe I am worth it, I believe u are too. if I cant cheer u up I will sit with u in the dark. ★~(◡ω◡✿)

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States



Full Name:
Andromina Bri Williams

Mina (friends, family, yall can call me dat if u want)

heh, bish u wish (ooh that rhymes) ôヮô

5'3 on a good day, I am told I shrink when I'm sad ( no lie )

Female, She/Her

I don't knooowww! I don't really like labels!
if I love ya I love ya, I don't really care what u are <3

Things u should know bout my mental hhheeeeaallth:
I'm actually pretty stable (≧ω≦)
I've got some Anxiety and Sleep Paralysis but dat's it :)

What I like: LOAFS,
whales, sunflowers,
flowers in general,
pink foods, THEATRE!,
singing, writing,
worn hardcover books,
crinkly candy wrappers,
blue jello, the Renaissance,
roleplaying, jelly beans,
throw blankets, fluffy pillows (*^ -^*)

MY MORALS: plz be nice to me,
DONT TOUCH MY FRIENDS ( unless u have good intentions),
don't play me in any way,
if u have something to say to me then go ahead I wanna improve myself
( but again, PLZ BE NICE ABOUT IT)

My fave songs:
Lemon boy-Cavetown,
Soldier, Poet, King-Theohhello's,
Daughter-Medicine, Do You Believe in Magic,
There, be blessed ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)

House: Hufflepuff,
( i know the thingie says Gryffindor I messed up)
Hybrid house: Griffinpuff
Faction: Amity


Name: Niema
Age: appears to be about 14-15 years old, she's actually 1200
( i don't know what category to put this in
so I'm just gonna spit this out SHES A DEMON)
Human features:
Pale skin,
straight white hair,
light makeup,
humanoid body.

Demon Features:
veins are slightly darker than humans,
sometimes appearing black,
pupils are almost nonexistent,
and her iris's are a pale shade of red,
she has two nubs,
protruding from the base of her skull when she is fully grown they will be horns
slightly translucent

Appearance (clothing wise):
Outfit 1 (everyday look): red cami top,
black cargo pants,
white high top converse.
Light makeup and obsidian stud earrings.

Outfit 2 (another everyday look):
white tube top,
black shiny Minnie skirt,
white combat boots with flowers on them.

Outfit 3( formal): floaty white sundress
with different colored pressed flowers

Personality: coy, cheeky,
rageful, can be hurt easily,
doesn't like showing her emotions,
can be kind, understanding.

Story: she's the daughter of one of the demon lords ( basically satan),
she has the ability to appear on earth whenever she likes
unless that privilege is grounded by her father.
She befriends an everyday teenager named Mia and they become really close (:
SHe loves all things on earth ESPECIALlY the food
and wants to go to burger king ALL THE TIME.
unfortunately, shes got major anger and self-esteem issues,
so she wreaks havoc to distract herself from them and
she's a big believer in the "screw it " philosophy.

Themesong: Tantrum- Ashnikko

i have more but imma put em in later cuz its latteee and I'm tired

Name: Ashley Bex Wilson

House: Griffindor (not as daring as most and a bit kinder, but still brave)

Family: Natasha Wilson (mother, witch, Ravenclaw ),
Jim Wilson (father, muggle),
Sophia Wilson (younger sister, witch, Hufflepuff)
Nebula( a saw-whet owl, Ashley's)
Bon Bon(northern Pygmy owl, Sophias)
Diana(Eurasian Eagle-owl, family owl)

fiercely protects those whom she loves,
a huge sense of justice,
holds grudges easily, kind to everybody
(except people who try and hurt the people she loves),
good at reading people (is kind of a therapist),
loves little kids and is sort of a mother hen,
although she may come off as strong,
on the inside,
she breaks easily and doesn’t have very high self-esteem
(She just wants someone to love herrrr).

Appearance: long mid-waist-length hair
(chestnut brown and slightly wavy)
usually accompanied by a Gryffindor headband,
her shirts are always tucked into her skirts and she loves her Gryffindor scarf,
when not wearing her uniform
she likes to wear big cozy sweaters and skinny jeans + high top converse,
she has big Dark brown eyes and a nice face.

Magical Abilities: she’s a strong witch and has lots of potential no
“special talents” but she is quite good at magic

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