Lauren Fenwick


  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 8 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Hey! I'm Lauren, i am a first year, and i am a muggle raised witch. My father, (Adrian), comes from a pure blood line who have all been incredibly successful predominantly Gryffindor wizards. My father has two brothers, both Gryffindors, who strived to follow their generations path of becoming aurors. My father however was placed in Hufflepuff, the first ever male in his bloodline to be sorted this house, (we've had quite a few Slytherin's and Ravenclaws, just never Hufflepuff). He also didn't share the same passion as his family, and after he left Hogwarts, he decided to go on a trip to the muggle world to do research for his book. That's when he met my muggle mother Meredith in a pub one night, and they fell in love. He decided to stay in the muggle world, shutting out his family and his magic to live a normal life. They then had me, and when i turned 11 and got my letter in the post, my father finally had to explain everything to me and my mother. After a lot of consideration, they decided that i should be allowed to experience this life and see if it is for me. I had hoped to be sorted into Hufflepuff like him, but i was given Gryffindor. I'm just starting my first term, and I now love my house, love my school, and most importantly, love magic. Although my father's family have absolutely no idea who i am.

Interests: astrology, painting, listening to muggle music, yoga, reading
Dislikes: bullies, toads, potions class, brushing her hair

Personality traits: feisty when she needs to be, protective, encouraging, motivated, flirty, kind
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