- Joined May 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Born into a pureblood family (The Selwyns; one of the Sacred 28), I was brought up... Rather poorly. My mother died in childbirth & my father soon after from the Black Cat Flu. I was raised by my grandparents (fathers side). They were adamant that Slytherin was the only proper house & seemed to consider being pureblood comparable to being royalty... One time, when I was 7 years old, they caught me playing jump rope with a couple of muggle kids. My grandparents were very angry & I was told not to associate with muggles any more. I complied... though I didn't understand why it was all such a big deal. I didn't much like the other magical children - at least, not the ones my grandparents let me play with. They were all so old-fashioned and prestigious. It felt suffocating. I couldn't wait to get out of there and attend Hogwarts!When I finally began my time at Hogwarts, I was expecting to be sorted into Slytherin right away - like all of my family. But I turned out to be a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I was very embarrassed to be up there for so long, but at last the sorting hat chose Hufflepuff. I got a Howler that evening. I had never heard my Grandfather so angry. He said I was a disgrace to the family. At first I hated being in Hufflepuff, but I realized that if everyone in Slytherin was like the other purebloods I had met, well, I was glad I wouldn't be stuck around them all the time. The Hufflepuff common room is very cosy, and I like being near the kitchens; after I graduate I want to become a baker and open a shop in Hogsmeade!
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