Otter Jet


5th year Ravenclaw. Muggle born. RP in the Great Hall! :)

  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Ravenclaw 5th year. I'm usually in The Great Hall. I like Charms class and History of Magic. I've got a pet tawny owl, his name is Theodore. Came from Muggle family, love them to bits, but I do love Hogwarts. I usually have weird things in my robe pockets, like bottle caps, string, random keys, buttons and padlocks. If you want to chat, send me an owl, or come chat in The Great Hall.

NAME: Otter Francis Jet
AGE: 16
HOUSE: Ravenclaw
WAND: Apple wood, unicorn hair core, 10", pliant flexibility.
BOGGART: Burning buildings.
AMORTENTIA: Moss, roses, fresh parchment.
PET: Theodore, tawny owl.
BLOOD STATUS: Muggle born.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, bisexual.
LIKES: Talking to people, fiddling, singing, pranks.
DISLIKES: Not much.
FAVOURITE CLASSES: Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic.
APPEARANCE: Scrawny, freckled skin, shaggy hair that reaches his shoulders.
PERSONALITY: Quick witted, charming, caring, can be reckless and foolish. Has a playful energy.
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