H. Manchester


they/them | The dark and brooding type | Very mysterious Please go read my books. Owl for Rp

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


*Note* I am willing to create a new character if a roleplay calls for it

RP rules

-please refrain from any topics like abuse SA and substance abuse

-If you could try and write as much as I do I would love that, just keep the story going

-Tell me if you're done with the RP and wouldn't like to continue

-I like to stay in the HP universe and some supernatural ones unless you have a cool idea for something else.

-Please don't try and control my character

-if you have any questions about any of my oc's just ask me

-if I am creating an oc from scratch for a rp please be patient with me I will be working them out as I go so plase bare with me they will end up great it just take a little bit to get in the groove. 


Manchester Daniels

House: Ravenclaw

Age: 17-18(7th year) 

Height: 6'

Pronouns: She/her

Looks: Sharp features dark auburn harir and stong German, Italian and French heritage. Lean muscular, star quidditch player, has a few scars across the abdomen and back abd a dew hidden tattoos. Outside of the unifore she dresses quite dapper and masculien. Always wears her necklace with two silver rings on it. 

Fav class: Care for magical creatures and defnece against the dark arts. 

Personality: Hates being called Manchester goes by Chester, has avery rough exterior and struggles with being friendly, is very intelligent and strong. Is skilled in dueling an some mixed martial arts. 


Pet: Cat named newt, mostly black with patches of ginger and half its face is ginger.

Blood type: Pure blood 

Family: Grew up with Father and step mom. She grew up thinking her step mom (who is a muggle) was her bio mom, she found out her bio mom was a witch and that she was a pureblood in her 4th year at hogwarts Her bio mom was killed when she was only a baby. 


Erika Mooney

House: Hufflepuff

Age: 16 (6th year)

Height: 5'3

pronouns: she/her

Looks: Light brown hair Just longer than shoulder length, Light brown almost gold eyes, Dresses very cottage core

Fav class: Care For Magical Creatures Personality: She is very sweet, and trusting. She loves the little things in life the most. The way to get to her heart is through cute picnics out in the wilderness. She doesn't like being cooped up inside for too long.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pet: A calico cat named sage

Blood type: Half blood (Father wizard mother muggle)

family: She has an amazing relationship with her father, her mother doesn't like the magical parts of her.


Eugene Kobayashi

House: Slytherin

Age: 16-17

Height: 6'2

pronouns: he/him

Looks: Jet black short hair, often slicked back. Japanese heritage 

Fav class: Defence Against the Dark Arts 

Personality: He is quite quiet and reserved, he has a sort of elegant air to himself. He can be quite kind when one gets to know him, but if unfarmiliar he can come across as either quiet or even rude. He can sometimes end up saying something he doesnt mean if angry, which he tends to get angry often. 

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Pet: Full white cat named Theodore 

Blood type: Pureblood

family: He has a decent relationship with his familith although he feels that they are a little detached from each other. They are more focused on having sucessful lineage and a keep power within thw family and all of that than anything Eugene actually cares about. But he likes it that way, they stay out of his business, he stays out of theirs. 


Abraham Heroux 

House: Hufflepuff 

Age: 17

Height: 6'

pronouns: he/him

Looks:  He is rather muscular with broad shoulders not too bulcky but not lean. His hair his buzzed short and he has a beard that is perfectly kept. He has some african heritage (see family for more details). 

Fav class: care for magical creature, herbology

Personality: From looks alone you would think he was a tough oerson and in a one off meeting ieth him he would seem so but he truly is just a cinnamin roll. He is sweet and wants to do good for others, he wants to help do good for the world and fix what his family had done wrong. 

Sexuality: Straight

Pet: A barn owl named cinnamin 

Blood type: halfblood 

family: Older genderations of his family lived in senegal. They eventually moved to France where he now resides when he is not attending hogwarts. He does not attened Bouxbatons becuase his family although very powerful in france has spesific ties to Hogwarts that lets him attened the english school instead. His family is quite powerful and well regarded in France and Senegal. He tries hard to follow in his family shadow but he cracks under the pressure and he is often not cut out for it as his family would say. 

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