❆✧♥"Christmas, Christmas time is here. Time for friends and time for cheer!"~ Alvin and the Chipmunks!♥✧❆
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 72 House Points
- 1st Year
United States


✧No cursing!✧
✧Follow me and I follow you back!✧
✧If you have the patience to read my backstory, read it.✧
✧I allow all types of rp's✧


✧Biological Parents ( or so I thought ):- Savannah Lestrange Malfoy and Draco Malfoy✧
✧Foster Parents :- Viola Lestrange Malfoy and Alex (Her boyfriend)✧
✧Grandparent:- Rachael Lestrange Malfoy✧
✧Siblings:-Bella Lestrange Malfoy (biological),Damon Jax Carmer(Twin)✧
✧Cousins:- Too many to count, but i love all of them!✧
✧Aunts and Uncles:- Too many to count, but i love all of them!✧
✧Relation Status:- Single ✧



✧Stuff About Me!✧

✧Age :- 16✧
✧Birthday :- 31 October✧
✧Looks :- Blondish brown hair , Brown eyes✧
✧FC: Dove Cameron (for now)✧
✧Me! :-✧

✧Likes: Blue, red, candy, chocolate, animals, snakes, magic, family, playing quidditch, rainbows, ice cream, summer, birthdays, space,and friends!✧
✧Dislikes :- Idiots, veggies, mean people, stuck up people, sassy people, and whiny people.✧
✧House:- Gryfinndorr, but I'm actually a gryfinnclaw✧
✧Blood Status: Pureblood (I don't bully muggleborns)✧
✧Wand:- Beech, pheonix feather, and 11 1/2 inches.✧
✧Patronus:-Jack Rusell Terrier (dog)
✧Boggart:-Being a failure/her family leaving her/ not being the best in everything
✧Sexuality: Straight✧
✧Other facts :- I'm a Well Trained Parselmouth.✧


✧long wavy white blond hair,and grey eyes.✧
✧Acts:-Pertty nice, can be sassy, can be mean, ALWAYS right. Overly smart and talented.






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