- Joined April 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
I've always been a regular kid with a blind left eye since the eyelids are fused together; and no amount of knowledge has fixed it so far. My parents have told me it's just the way I was born; but there's this creeping suspicion it has something to do with dark magic that I could have come in contact with at an age when I couldn't have possibly remembered why. I received my letter from Hogwarts not knowing what would happen. I ended up at Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw student. I met a girl on the train- however I never got her name. When we met again after the sorting; she told me I was a hatstall- whatever that means. I particularly enjoy Potions; though I'm not particularly good in the subject. I have a knack for Herbology; though I'm not fond of the classes. I'm a half blood; my father's a muggle, my mum's a witch. I lived with a younger brother; he's still not received hos letter to Hogwarts yet...I'm worried he might never! I have a parakeet back at home; I named him Mochi. In the little time I've spent at Hogwarts I've been hearing about someone many people refer to as "You-Know-Who," though I live away from wizardry- and I'm too nervous to ask any of my peers of who they might be. I'm a writing genius; and my reading level happens to be way higher than average, but I'm a sucker for sad stories; and considered one of the "odd kids." I've always admired the experts in the magical creatures field- though I know next to nothing about creatures. Perhaps that'll change while I'm at Hogwarts; and maybe I'll find more purpose in my life than I've ever found outside of the wizarding world.
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