Martin Eugene


  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was sorted into Gryffindor House, something I was delighted to hear. The Sorting Hat took a long time to decide what house I best fit in, and Ravenclaw was highly considered. I enjoy Defense Against The Dark Arts, Care Of Magical Creatures, and History of Magic. I deeply despise Divination and Potions and desperately hope I don't have to meet any Slytherins on my way down to the dungeons. I somehow managed to do very well in Arithmency, even though I don't have a fond connection with that subject. I was born into a muggle family, and out of my parents four children, three of us have shown magical talent, a far cry for most families. As the only boy in the family, I work with my other magical sisters named Alexandra and Rebecca. Thankfully, I have not been that affected by my bloodline. I was not in the U.K. during He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, much to my relief! My greatest strengths are caring for magical creatures I have met such as the Billywig and Erumpent and my studies into the law-making process in the magical world. I'm looking to become an activist that stands up for the rights of all magical creatures in our world, and I'm also open to working as an Auror, though it's a stringent trail to achieve that goal. I'm fascinated about how magic can help people's everyday lives, unlike how muggles/no-majs have it. I see the struggles muggles face without their knowledge of magic, and I know that magic was put on the face of the Earth to gloriously help and innovate our world to achieve new heights. I have two Bichon Frises, non-magical dogs that are named Nemo and Simba and are the joy of my life. The oddities and diversities surrounding magical communities in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica just make the magical world I know greater and more inclusive, and I hope our differences can make us more aware of how fragile our world is and the measures we must take to protect Earth.
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