Hey Im looking for people with the same interests as me
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 155 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
My Profile:Name: LL
Wand: Dogwood with a unicorn hair core, 12 ¼" and unyielding flexibility
Patronus: St Bernard
I am LL, Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a pure-blood, but before receiving my acceptance letter for Hogwarts, I became a hacker. I can hack Muggle stuff, Wizarding stuff, Ministry of Magic stuff, Anti-Dark Wizards and Magic stuff, anything. Nobody ever needs me, so I am waiting for a master to need me.
I play seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and I am a prefect. My best subjects are Charms, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I can do many things, from killing spells and potions to healing and reviving charms and potions. If anyone needs me to do magic, send me an owl.
I am an American person but I study at Hogwarts, the reason for this is that I have been accepted to both Ilvermony AND Hogwarts, but chose to go to Hogwarts instead of Ilvermony.
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