Amora Spencers


"There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait. Just you wait!" -Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton

  • Joined November 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Name: Amora Vulpecula Spencers
Nicknames: Amy, Ara [Close friends: Foxie, Cula]
Age: 14 [Varies with RP]
Birthday: August 18
Sexuality: Bi-curious (she's quite confused when it comes to this topic...)
Pets: Her black fox, Mischief, a few Bowtruckles [Nell, Steph, and Cork], and her Niffler, Arc

~Vulpecula: a Latin-named constellation. Translation: little fox [commonly known as fox]~

Height: 5'1" ["Yeah, I'm short, so don't piss me off."]
Skin tone: Way-too-fucking-pale
Hair color: Fiery red ["Just because I have hand-me-down robes and red hair does NOT mean I'm a Weasely."]
Eye color: Emerald green
Body type: skinny hour-glass

{-Personality Traits-}
:Serious when in class:
:Silly when with friends:
:Easily ticked off:

{-Magical Info-}
Blood-status: Half-blood
Wand: 12" Cedar Wood, Dragon Heartstring core, Unyielding Flexibility
Patronus: Thestral
Mirror of Erised: A room filled with all sorts of magical creatures
Boggart [Fear]: Failure
Amortentia: Log fire, Peppermint, Cinnamon-Apples, Pine Forest

{-School Info-}
Best Classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Muggle Studies
Moderate Classes: Astronomy, Divination, Ancient Runes, Ghoul Studies
Worst Classes: History of Magic, Herbology

{-Other Info You Might Like to Know-}
Amora is a very smart, silly redhead that enjoys and dislikes many things.
She was brought up with parents who were constantly fighting, thus resulting in her to learn how to take good care of herself and her younger siblings.
She has two siblings, both brothers, but neither of them happen to have magic in their veins. They are currently attending a boarding school somewhere in Austria, and are enjoying their home away-from-home.
Once a conversation is brought up about her family, Amora tends to grow a bit red then proceeds to change the subject.

Use descent grammar. I don't mind cursing or using American/British/Australian/whatever other country slang, but please use grammar.
Please don't speak for me.
Please don't correct every single spell I do. It gets a bit annoying.
Please use quotations when speaking.
Please no asterisks (*) to signify an action.
Please have at least two sentences per response, just to keep the rp going on longer.
DO NOT GOD-MOD. IT'S SO ANNOYING! (sorry about the caps. I have no other way to emphasize this lol)

[*All art posted on this page doesn't belong to me! Credit goes to it's original artists on google!*]
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