- Joined June 2019
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
҉ Winnie (short for Winifred)
҉ 15
҉ i like to read and write and sew and watch netflicc
҉ certified 100% cat person
҉ No god-modding
҉ Decent grammar, please!
҉ Be consistent with the plot line
҉ Do not play a canon character or ask me to play one
҉ Make it interesting! Rp is a mutual effort, neither of us should be doing all the work to move the plot forward
҉ Write 3rd person please
҉ If our characters have not previously met/been involved with each other in rp, don't pretend they have unless we've established it beforehand
҉ No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus
[backstory in progress]
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