Elizabeth King


“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.” ~ Ghandi

  • Joined April 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 6 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Elizabeth King is an orphan. Her parents dumped her out when she was young and she was left to defend herself against the dangers of society. Eventually, she was taken in by an old woman named Victoria Smiths or ‘Mimi’ as Elizabeth calls her. She stayed with Mimi until she got her Hogwarts letter. Elizabeth was excited and went with her Mimi (Who was overjoyed to have a witch in the family) to Diagon Alley to get her things. She remembers that faithful day where she got sorted. ‘Ah, a Halfblood? Interesting. A quiet and shy one, aren’t you?’ The sorting Hat mused. ‘Which house to you think I will be sorted in, great Sorting Hat?’ She thought. ‘How polite. I must say you aren’t cut out for Slytherin. Hufflepuff wouldn’t exactly lead you off to you greatest destiny. So the choice is either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Which will you choose?’ Elizabeth thought long and hard. She had officially become a Hatstall. ‘Gryffindor, please.’ ‘Well then, I guess it’s GRYFFINDOR!’
The Gryffindor table erupted with cheers. Elizabeth shifted out of her seat nervously and sat down at the Gryffindor table.

§|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/ L O O K S \/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|§

Hair: dark brown

Hair styles: Usually down, but sometimes she wears it in a messy braid

Hair type: frizzy

Eyes: brown

Skin: Indian

Eye shape: almond

Accessories: round glasses

Extras: Freckles

Clothing: a grey wool jacket with a red shirt underneath and a long red skirt with grey sneakers. She usually always has a leather backpack over her shoulder. At Hogwarts, she, of course, wears the traditional Gryffindor clothing.

§|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/ P E R S O N A L I T Y \/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|§

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading fantasy books, acting

Positive Traits: Responsible, Sharp, Optimistic

Negative Traits: Clumsy, Unaware, oblivious

Scent: Fresh daisies and roses; amazingly scented.

Race: Human; Half-blood

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