- Joined December 2018
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
When I first came to Hogwarts, I honestly had no idea what house I would be sorted into. Most others did. They had a preference, or their family had been in that house for generations, and so on. But not me. I was- Am an orphan. I don't even know if I'm pure-blood, half-blood or muggleborn. I knew about Hogwarts, of course. The adopted family I had was a kind family, who, thank the lord, were magical. But I wasn't sure what house I was. I didn't feel brave, or smart, or kind, or ambitious. It took seven minutes to sort me- A hatstall. Eventually, the hat chose Gryffindor. 'You're smart. Pure of heart,' The hat said. 'But you're selfless- and brave. You aren't afraid to put yourself in harms' way for others,' And finally, I was sorted into Gryffindor.I like Charms the most, it's so fun to be in class. My least favorite is obviously History of Magic. Who likes History of Magic?
I'm not sure what I want to do after I finish at Hogwarts. I'm still... Figuring it out, I suppose. I'm trying to find out my history, but so far, it's pretty hard. I've come up with almost nothing. But I need to find out who I was- Where I came from.
Name: Park Nayoung
Nickname: Na, Youngie (By younger siblings)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'1
Body: Petite
Blood Status: Unknown
Wand: Willow wood, Phoenix Feather, 12 3/4"
Patronus: Phoenix
Animal: Cat - Scottish Fold, gray fur
Favorite Color: Dark Gray
r e a d i n g
a n i m a l s
b e i n g a l o n e
m u s i c
p o e t r y
t h e f o r e s t
r a i n
o v e r s i z e d s w e a t e r s
b e i n g y e l l e d a t
l i e s
a r r o g a n t p e o p l e
Favorite Words:
s e r e n d i p i t y : the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Y ū g e n (幽玄): a profound awareness of the universe that triggers a deep emotional response
a u r o r a: dawn
n y c t o p h i l i a: the love of darkness or night
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