| Hogwarts Gay | Parselmouth | Pure Blood |
- Joined December 2018
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
N A M E : Learn to fucking readH O U S E : Slytherin, of course!
W A N D : Maple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 3/4 inches and supple flexibility
P O S I T I O N : chaser you bloody dolt!
P E T : Tawny owl, his name is Archimedes
P A T R O N U S : Falcon
P A R E N T S : Evanora (Ravenclaw) and Octavius (Slytherin) Ruben
Mother has been in St. Mungo's since my birth, and so my death eater father raised me. He's currently a shut in from fear of being arrested, and I agreed with him until I made my way to Hogwarts. I am NO death eater, I swear!
H O B B I E S : I enjoy playing chess, or reading. I love going to the Hog's Head or the Three Broomsticks to get a flowing bowl of Butterbeer as well
A G E : 18
I L V E R M O R N Y : Wampus. What is a "Wampus?"
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