Aristea Willows

Hogwarts Student

Booksmart quiet kid that yells at birds and doesn’t like people. Post on my wall for rp! You can leave a starter or ask <3

  • Joined September 2018
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 37 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


// Brief Backstory.

Aristea Willows is the only child of Timothy P. Willows, a rather famed Auror, and Daphne E. Willows, a muggle. The two met when Timothy was rushed to hospital after getting hit by a car, and she was the doctor that healed up his wounds. She constantly visited him, and he savoured their time together. They fell in love and soon had a child together. He tried to hide the fact that he was a Wizard from her, but when Aristea started showing signs of magic he finally took her to the Wizarding Word.

// Character Information.

Full Name: Aristea Molly Willows.
Nicknames: Aris, “T”, Molly.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14 years old.
Birth Date: 29th October, 2004.

Status: Half-Blood.
House: Slytherin, 4th Year.
Patronus: Bloodhound.
Wand: Cedar Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 12”, Brittle Flexability.

Appearance: A slim, rather pale girl with dark brown hair and soft green eyes. Her expression usually holds an irritated frown or a sneering smirk.
Personality: Aristea is quiet and standoffish, mostly remaining by herself and shying away from chatter and friendship groups. However, she’s not shy - she just doesn’t like a large majorty if the people around her. Any words that she speak are usually rude insults or curses. She prefers books over people: an unusual trait for a Slytherin, but she uses this to her advantage by improving her overal wit. Due to this, she was nearly sorted into Ravenclaw.

Sexuality: Bisexual.
Significant traits: Quiet, aggressive, intelligent, bitter, snarky.
Hobbies: Writing, reading & pushing people over.
Song: Cassiopeia - LAYLA.

Pet: Apricat.
Apricat is a large ginger Giant Maine Coon, with a mane of soft fur and a long plumy tail. Despite her size, she’s an absolute sweetheart that wouldn’t hurt a fly.

// Character Facts.

- She’s absolutely terrified of ladybugs.
- Denies being a Half-Blood.
- Once stamped on a boy’s glasses because he said that cats weren’t cool.
- Has a penchant for singing.
- Loves !! Dogs !!
- Absolutely adores Herbology.

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