My name is Annie Boot, my last name is from my great great great grandfather Webster Boot who created the house of Wampus in Ilvermorny.
- Joined June 2018
- Member of Gryffindor
- 132 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
My last name ‘Boot’ comes from Webster Boot, one of the four founders of Ilvermorny school of Witchcraft and Wizardry (The Wizarding school in America). He created the house of Wampus.I am going to be an Auror when I grow up.
I am a half-blood because I have a muggle parent and a muggle born parent.
I took the sorting hat quiz on Pottermore (Website made by j k Rowling dedicated to Harry Potter fans) and I got Gryffindor! My second house is Hufflepuff and my Ilvermorny house is Pukwudgie.