Lillian Lovegood


Hi! I'm Lillian Lovegood. I'm currently a first year. Feel free to comment on my page! I'd love to get to get to know you better!

  • Joined January 2018
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 14 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I am Lillian Lovegood. Welcome to my page!
Here are the people you might see on here:

~ Clueless Lillian
~ Professional Lillian (Is on most often)
~ Informative Lillian
~ Rushing Lillian ("We have so much time and so little to do! ...Strike that. Reverse it." - Quote Willy Wonka)
~ Dirty Lillian (STAY. AWAY. FROM HER.)
~ Annoying Lillian
~ Anxious/Insecure Lillian (Overly insecure and has anxiety. Hates anything because of her socially-awkwardness)
~ Cocky Lillian (Be cautious around her, anything could happen)
~ Childish Lillian (Be wary of her tantrums)
~ Emo Lillian (She goes along with her name. Emo as frick. A bit dead on the inside, but isn't everyone? Also has an unhealthy addiction to cheese)
~ Drunk Lillian (STEER CLEAR)
~ Ego-Maniac Lillian (Has an extreme ego)
~ Weirdo Lillian (On as much as Super OCD Lillian)
~ Lillian Lillian (Just does anything. Anything at all. Random as frick [DANGEROUS])
~ Lazy Lillian (Name describes her perfectly)
~ Internet Lillian (Uses slang, emoticons and doesn't finish sentences. More up to date on the new "trends"; Starting to come on more)
~ RP Lillian (Doesn't come on much, but is still there)
~ Unprofessional Lillian (Starting to come on more)
~ Christian Lillian (On most of the time. Doesn't accept cursing [Sometimes will let it slide])
~ Scaredy-Cat Lillian (Doesn't do dares. Doesn't do anything. Show creepypasta to her and she will... well, it's best you don't find out.)
~ Depressed Lillian (Barely comes on, and when does, doesn't do anything except stares at the screen)
~ Mature Lillian ("Is a bore" - Quote Unprofessional Lillian)

This backstory was created by ALL parts of Lillian. Credit to everyone!
The backstory will be separated into several parts, each created by on side of Lillian's personality. (Be careful while reading some parts, some sides of Lillian are VERY unpredictable)
Without further adieu, let the writing... BEGIN!


~Professional Lillian~

Personal Note: Welcome to my side of the backstory, everyone. Here, you will find many wonders. Some include the family tree, others include many facts of my personal self. Of course, not everything is here, because... haha... it would probably take up the entire backstory page. Anyhoo, hope you enjoy!

Name - Lillian Lynn Lovegood (Named after Mother)
Gender - Female
Age - 15
Eye Color - Jade Green
Hair Color - Dark Mahogany (Curly)
Skin Color - Ivory (Freckles)
Blood Type - Pure on Mother's side, Mixed on Father's side (Considered Pure)
Status - Single
Occupation - None
Hogwarts House - Hufflepuff
Hogwarts Pet - Strawberry-Blonde Cat (Strawb [Deceased]) Black-and-White Cat (Hope)
Ilvermorny House - Thunderbird
Wand Type - Hazelwood with a Unicorn hair core 10" and Brittle flexibility
Patronus - Black-and-White Cat
Animagus - Fox
Siblings - Valor Griffin Lovegood (F), Gallant Prideful Lovegood (M)
Friends - Reo Yamamoto, Kitty Bellamore, KK Cliff, Arctarus Charmlover, Adriano Finnigan, Amber DragonHeart, Seamus Black, Alicia Lynch, Dorito Cipher, Casper Weasley
Hobbies -
Year - 1st
Backstory: Born in

Family Tree:
Mother's Side
Great Grandmother: Luna Elizabeth Lovegood
Eye Color - Faded Grey
Hair Color - Copper Streaked Silver
Skin Color - Beige
Great Grandfather: Rolf Lyson Scamander
Grandmother: Natalia Katrina Lovegood
Grandfather: Alphus Ember Lovegood
Mother: Lily Grace Lovegood
Eye Color - Sapphire Blue
Hair Color - Mahogany
Skin Color - Pale Ivory
Blood Type - Pure
Occupation - Herbalist
Hogwarts Pet - Tawny Owl
Patronus - Fox
Animagus - None
Friends - Scott Marvelo Pearson, Dalton Seamerson Hawkins, Malaki Quendika Edwards, Ashton Finnigan Hussain, Kai Kindred Woods, Marc Freeman Cummings, Juelz Booth Cummings, Aunna Lee Mithrode, Fatima Lendriqua Schneider, Valerie Moore Reese, and Natasha Abbie Mason
Backstory: Born behind a trash can in Diagon Alley, her mother was running from Voldemort's army. Was taken away by her father and mother killed right after they apparated away.
Aunt: Katie Lee Lovegood
Eye Color: Seafoam Green
Hair Color: Silver Tinted Pink
Skin Color: Bisque
Blood Type: Half-Blood
Occupation: President of the Council of Magic
Hogwarts Pet: Snowy Owl
Patronus: Dapple Grey Stallion
Animagus: Crow
Friends: Yaroslav Fillippa Yaroslava, Mimi Tiphany Christina, Madelyn Fedora Bennett, Marina Kay Iona, Rhonda Greta Bryony, Maiju Chrissy Tesla, Kari Roxanne Myrtle, Bianca Cindy Zinovia, Jennis Lola Galla, Yennek Mona Tserita, Helen Sandra Topaz, Mel Valor Cassidy
Aunt: Emilia Jacqueline Lovegood
Uncle: Aidan Tesla Lovegood
Uncle: Jacob Billarious Lovegood

Father's Side
Great Great Grandmother: Lizzie Yother Abram
Great Great Grandfather: Adrian Norton Nuzzleious
Great Grandmother: Stephanie Eva Abram
Great Grandfather: Diego Williamson Abram
Grandmother: Jasmine Pracht Abram
Grandfather: Cooper Custove Abram
Father: Isaac Buchanan Abram
Uncle: Riley Thompson Abram
Uncle: Dylan Valor Abram
Uncle: Thomas Alfie Abram
Aunt: Lily Mae Abram
Eye Color: Dull Amber
Hair Color: Ginger (Wavy)
Skin Color: Beige (Freckles)
Blood Type: Mixed
Occupation: Technician
Hogwarts Pet: None
Patronus: None
Animagus: None
Friends: Hollyn Karma Blanche, Mirabel Nan Kalliope, Tanisha Uru Fickleberry, Mary Faun Neshille

(I am not done this is taking forever so might update a couple more times)


~ Wierdo Lillian ~

Hey guys!

I'm Weirdo Lillian!


Anyhoo, my page is basically anything YOU want it to be! Until I get some suggestions, I'll just let the OTHER Lillians post THEIR pages! CIAO!


~Unprofessional Lillian~

I'm Unprofessional Lillian and I don't give two craps about what goes on and what doesn't on here
I guess I'm done now
Can I be done?
I'm boreddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddajlguaeliurgbaliruegbiuwbeaskfdwrnsqwerty
Well I guess I'll write about me

Hi I'm me and today we're going to talk about me and how much of an A$$HOLE I am
Just look at me
There I'm done


~Drunk Lillian~

1 @M DRUNK L1LL1AN @ND 1 DON'T F33L S0 W3LL...



@ND 1'M B@CK
1 TH1NK 1'M 0K


<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">★★★★★
"A very good Pickle Rick" - Kitty Bellamore</marquee>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">★★★★★
"Sexy genius, I approve"- Amber DragonHeart</marquee>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">☆☆☆☆☆
"I swear I will whoop her A$$ if she gets drunk one more time"- Lillian's Mum</marquee>


~Internet Lillian-

Hewooooo people :3
What is up mah doods
I am internet Lillian in case u haven't noticed

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