Harfold Setimus

Severely Disillusioned

It's ok. It's not perfect, it's not ideal, and some days it hurts. But it's ok.

  • Joined November 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 38 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(This took forever to write, so I'm keeping it up, even though I was freaking naive when I wrote it.)

Hi! I'm Harfold Setimus, but my friends call me Hart. I'm a college student living on the Western Coast of the U.S., and that's all I'll say on that. Just 'cause it can be hard to tell online, YES I'm a guy, as in male, and NO I'm not gay, (homosexual,) and when I RP I stay that way just because I write what I know and I know what I am. You do you, man, and let me do me.

As you may have gathered, I like to RP. Here, Harfold is my real name, and it's also the name of my main RP character, a young student at Hogwarts who isn't all that great of a wizard, just trying to become better as he navigates a world bigger than himself. I use him for most canon-like RPs that take place in the wizarding world. For other RPs, I'll invent new characters loosely based on Harfold. They might share a name or characteristics, but I keep them all seperate in my head.

Things to know if you RP with me; I like Role Playing in Messenger, (that is, over owl,) because it's easier to find and keep track of. If it's a big group thing, I'm fine with doing it in the group page. I'm not great at creating prompts for new RP, but throw me into a situation, and I'm a fish in water. I'll invent lore and backstory in seconds, and I take care when I write, so expect good storytelling. If you're more relaxed when you type, or don't pay as much attention to the little stuff, that's fine. Just do your best, and that's enough.

I do have a life away from this site. I usually can juggle this and my assignments on my computer, but sometimes I'll disappear, for hours or days. I'm usually never gone for more than a week, since that's about how long it takes for things to calm down around here. I'll try to give a heads-up before I split, and sorry in advance for when I don't. I do what I can.

Like I said, I invent a new character for most new RPs I go into, but here's some backstory I drew up for my main man at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Bio
The Setimus family have their roots in the McFusty clan of Scotland. For generations, my ancestors have been responsible for a species of dragons living on the Hebrides Islands of Scotland- the Hebridean Black. Having grown up on those islands, I've observed these beasts since I was small. My Father and Uncles are formidable wizards, protecting the world from these aggressive dragons, while also protecting the dragons from the world. In order to keep up with a dragon, you need something faster than a broom, invisible to most, with the instincts that will keep you alive in the air. The Setimus family, in particular, raise the Thestrals that the McFusty wizards use in their duties as dragon-keepers. My mother has been caring for flying horses since she was a girl, and gave to me her love for Thestrals. I love magical creatures, and since I was a bairn, I've wanted to be like my Father and Mother. More than anything, I want to be the best student that I can be so that when I graduate, I will be a dragon-keeper worthy of the legacy and heritage that are my birthright.
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